The real horror isn’t in the stories, but in the fact that we find comfort in them. What does that say about us?
Good evening storyteller in rembert SC it is now 1000pm.....thank you for making these videos
The story is engaging and offers great suspense.
1.23 am . Again Belgium its a nightly addiction . Your stories , your voice
Have a good night, sleep well everyone from Nova Scotia Canada ❤
Michigan 2am 🥰
Georgia USA 2:45 am love the stories man help me sleep and actually stay asleep
10pm London UK. Having an early night! Have a good night everyone. ❤
Canada 🇨🇦 1:49 am. Nite Nite 😴
9:46 PM. DALLAS/FORT WORTH TEXAS. I have listened to you every night now for months. You have a calming voice. Thank you
00.35 here in Copenhagen Denmark , i hope you all sleep well 🙂
Good Night Storyteller and our sleepy friends..❤from Texas 12am.😴
Hi here again Durham N E England 12.30am
I am from North Carolina but I am currently laying at Indiana State Sanatorium at 3:32AM during my overnight investigation. Great stories as always keep it spooky 👻
Good morning and good night from Serbia ..04:23am 😴😮💨
The real horror isn’t in the stories, but in the fact that we find comfort in them. Have a good night everyone. ❤
6:26am Good Morning! getting ready for another day, it’s Friday! Have a great weekend. Here from Texas ❤
Pa 2am.
❤ from SC United States 10 11 good night y'all