
As a Cameroonian, I am very proud to see one of us win this big. Go girl


I think the raise of Youtube and social media has really given people a real way to monetize their dreams.


3 amazing, beautiful, passionate, inspiring and humble ladies.  ✨


I love, love, LOVE Wilglory's story. I came across her African Hustle series a while back, and it's inspiring to see how far she's come.


Helena, thank you for the care you give to the precious children as a NICU nurse.  I pray you never completely walk away from it.  You are an amazing woman! Your spice cabinet is my life goal for 2022!


I love that they have ideas and just go with it!


This is my favorite episode yet. Very encouraging 🥰


Congratulations to all these smart people that had things work out. I have been "reaching out to find this life for myself" for 33 yrs and still haven't been able to attain it. Its hard to make money at a business depending upon what your idea is and know how to market well.


I think alot more people will start doing side jobs for passive income. That's what I am currently doing. If I made 100k/yr from a side job, I'd be happy.


I love their passion and confidence❤️...it hypes me up and gives tons of positivity


Aww this was so inspiring! It’s nice to see a black queen do her thing!!! As a child of East African immigrants. I am a first generation college graduate, and I plan to create a side hustle while teaching Math that could potentially fund my PhD!


I loved this. It's so necessary. It's more than what schools teach on black history. And it's more than what we've learned in our households. Thank you King.


This is nice. Only downside is that the dedication and time needed to make success with these side hustles are not a luxury some of us can afford right now.. Are there any other side hustles to make money (not necessarily this much) without putting in all the time?


Each of these stories inspired me! This series is AMAZING!!


These ladies have some really great and inspiring stories! ❤💯


Really enjoyed these stories. Very inspiring as their passion is driving success
The Anima Iris story is so deeply moving. So wonderful to see this focused, hard working smart woman getting the breaks she deserves. Wishing her every success & lots of $!
The registered nurse, wow, what an amazing, dynamic woman!


The title should be renamed "Growing Our Side Hustles to Full Fledge Businesses"


Wilglory's story is particularly inspiring. She seems almost predisposed to spotting good market opportunities. , but she didn't have an easy time of it. She worked her way up and past traumatic experiences that might have derailed other mere mortals. Amazing!


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