
FREE PLANTING GUIDE HERE: https://marvelous-thinker-7971.ck.page/56762927df
GREENSTALK Vertical Planter Coupon Code: BEAFARMGIRL
(Enter this code at checkout to take $10.00 OFF your order) t https://greenstalkgarden.com?rstr=BEAFARMGIRL
Grab my "Win with Worms" A Gardener's Guide to Sustainable Soil COURSE: winwithworms.info


I am now up to 13 Greenstalks. With my severe back issues, these planters are a way I can still continue growing food and flowers without pain. These planters are the best on the market and a great investment.


Hi Dad ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป youโ€™re spoiling us with family videos. And you know we love Dad!


Perfect timing for me. I have ordered my first GreenStalk and am waiting for it to arrive. So happy you have posted this beginner lesson with your dad. He and I are close to the same age and I share many of his concerns about the struggle of gardening. I feel more confident in my vertical gardening abilities after your highly informative lesson.


Love that you did this with your dad!!


You have a great daughter sir...she has inspired me to buy two of the verticals and I can't wait to get them going...and you must be very smart and wise...you and your Wife...because you have a wonderful and energetic daughter who is a great instructor...I love her videos...and the worm casting has two benefits for me...I live off an old golf course in NC and have a large pond full of fish...so worms...fish...and pond...and poles...well you get the picture...


Came across one of your videos maybe less than 2 weeks ago and BAM I just received my first garden PLUS the company was having their 10 year sale so my bundle was reduced๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ perfect timing or divine intervention!!


I am one of your new subscribers. I just wanna thank you for coming across your videos. You were the first gardener that had me start my very first garden with GreenStalk. I even use your code on my first purchase. Thank you so much Iโ€™ve been loving and enjoying my garden experience thru you and few other amazing YouTube gardeners.


Love seeing you and your dad build and fill his Greenstalk together.  I live in south FL and the heat/bug pressure have ruined my garden in the past 30 days.  I might have to get a greenstalk for my screened patio too.  โค๐Ÿ’š


Because of your channel, I bought my first GreenStalk a month ago. I just bought my second one on the 4th of July. ๐Ÿ˜Š


How wonderful. Dad will be the Southern Representative for GreenStalk. Wow that Florida sunshine and ideal temperatures boosted Dad's flower and food production. 
Thanks Cassandra take care and have a wonderful week.


I get my worm castings from a local vermicompost company in my state.
I'm lucky to have a huge composting tumbler that was my mom's. It makes composting so easy.


This is such a sweet video! I just love that your dad is taking an interest and you were able to help him!


Wow!! If Dad wouldn't have stated his age I never would have guessed it.  Greenstalk looks great on the porch.  I love my greenstalk.  I will be getting more.  Thanks


Love this video. I also live in Florida. I have 3 green stalks I have them on my driveway. Love the tips for anti bug plants.


Those extra goodies are extra awesome, especially the garden stickers ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿฟโ€๐ŸŒพ  I'm gonna break down and grab myself a greenstalk for my small space, TFS, your pest relief tips!


I got my first greenstalk this year, too! Go, Dad!!


Iโ€™ve got rosemary, lemon balm, lavender, chives, mint all up in my garden and I still get bit from the mosquitoes around 6pm. Last month I had 31 bites!


I love your family so much much. I have one green stalk I've had for 5 years now. I'm going to get another one for next year


Glad to see your dad getting a greenstalk. I bought 2 last year. I planted a mixture last year. One is now for my strawberries. The other has a mixture of herbs and lettuce. I love the ideal of not having to bend over so - back issues here. I still have a little bit in the ground as well.