This was amazing and informative. Thank you so much.
Might be starting a new job related to this stuff soon. Very insightful video
Fantastic podcast!
thank you guys for sharing those things 学到很多
OMG🙂 I wish we get this studio in this country, Ghana
I've been imagining something like this since StarTrek introduced the holodeck. It's a huge game changer for film and television as you no longer have to go to remote locations. Sci-fi world's that were a nightmare to create in the past are suddenly relatively easy. Even a huge chunk of set design can be virtual. It saves time and physical resources not building sets that ultimately end up getting destroyed. At least one of the giants storms in recent years had to have been the people who had to to the giant mat paintings for film back in the day, just drooling. 🤣
what is the pixel density on this led wall
It's amazing how some of my childhood ideas and predictions for the future are legitly being made today. Scary how close my 13 year old sketch for something like this has been made already or showed in Sci-Fi movies. The last part to mine would been the floor, (it would take some $$$ to create but sadly not much commercial use practicality or ability. Would need a sizable area to build it.....sadly) but all the rest so far has been spot on. Enjoying watching progress in tech like this.
The possibilities 😍
I'll have to put this one on the back burner until I can get $1M
Could you get the same effect if each actor wore a vr headset that showed any Unreal image that all actors share. They are multiplayers in a shared virtual world . The actors can look like anything and move in the same world to record a scene. You could even have a virtual giant led wall to use like the "real" one. Maybe?
I've tried to find this community chest video and can't. Can you link to it?
i really wonder if anyone cam pull this off on a small scale like diy in your basement type stuff
How much does the build cost of this studio?
Vicon or Optitrack?
How do I contact you guys?
ultimate nerdgasm! lol!
working with guys like this would be the opposite of creativity.