
12:18 I can hear the whispering “come back” in the left ear too:_monkas:


squirrel god...🐿(otsuikey, thank you for the stream)
1:29 start 🐿
3:59 start, Day 1
10:01 The lady part 1 
13:26 whistle
14:29 committed some SINS :D 
18:03 his beautiful wife
18:36 sleeping :_sleepy:
19:42 Day 2 
21:35 The lady part 2, 21:49 old lady voice tskr 
28:58 huh
32:00 hmmm his beautiful wife
33:08 Day 3
34:03 squirrel hiss, 34:13 
34:44 "Ah listen to the wind rustling through the leaves, so peaceful." 
38:01 The lady part 3, 38:29 old lady 
43:20 Stuck in the Abyss
43:42 SINS :D
45:55 waifu doko :_monkas:
47:39 Day 4
49:23 "OH"
50:12 The lady part 4
55:24 SINS :D
59:28 purrr :_tskr:
1:00:00 "honey I'm home"
1:01:41 DAY 5
1:04:33 The lady part 5, 1:05:52 old lady says...
1:11:07 SINSSS :D
1:15:01 :_ikegg:, back to room 
1:18:01 1:18:17 Doris :_tskr:
1:19:02 today's recommendation songs
1:28:23 supa thanking
1:30:46 just tell my why baby ♪
1:32:11 falsetto ♪
1:37:44 Ave Maria :_tskr:
1:40:41 metal recommendations 
1:47:15 Sonny raid  
1:48:59 talking about Petra 3D :_cheerquill:
1:56:43 Swedish time
1:57:32 grumpy face HBD 
1:57:53~1:58:58 talk about otaku stuff with Pomu 
2:03:35 ...our oshi :_mweh:, 2:04:59 the laugh 
2:09:41 hiccup
2:13:32 2:13:39 scream NO NOOO
2:14:49 塩 Ikey
2:19:31 lmao
2:19:59 end bye ya boi cooking 
└13:26, 53:30, 57:16
:_tskr:the accents🦌
└11:25, 49:58, 1:07:19 


otsu ikey!! Always thank you:_heart::_heart::_heart: It was really nice to be able to talk about metal!! 

(personal timestamp)


I'm catching up on the vod and when he says 'I'm gonna run' he just sounds so done :_laugh:1:08:11 

Thank you for the stream Ikeyy! :_heart:


12:16 come back
1:13:45 GOD


Thank you for streaming ikey :_heart::_heart:, good luck for your project :_cheerquill::_cheerquill:


i-it's a very interesting game :_monkas: thanks for the stream ikey :_heart:



01:28 Stream Start


Thanks for the stream! It's a ......interesting game i guess:_buffer:
Hope your projects doing well:_heart:OtsuIkey!!



Thank you for the stream, ikey 🫶


almost 2 & half hours of SQUIRREL STAPLER! great stream tonight Ike! have a good evening!


COMMITTING SINSSS 14:24 27:49 43:35 55:25 1:11:07


Otsuuu Ikey:_heart::_heart:Thank you for the stream!!!


Came back to this given the time of year it is, still as mind blowing as the time I watched it live xD


4:10 look at my beloved
5:54 southern accent 
12:15 come back (a girl voice?)
18:11 it's enough to make a grown man cry
18:35 sleeping
28:35 squirrel blind
29:50 b:_ikE::_ikE:g squirrel
31:18  would you like to have a pit squirrel 
31:32  I don't want squirrels I want skin give me back my skin or give me yours instead
34:09  hiss
39:13 could you imagine a Harry Potter was set in America 
42:53 quiet quiet and then PEW!!!
44:58 what is the main plot of this game 
45:59 beautiful wife
46:45 sleeping
47:28 Crusty.jpeg
48:32 squirrels are always watching 
49:16 oh 
53:54 double squirrel
56:45 growing  trees 
1:00:00 honey I'm home 
1:00:16 you guys ready for to make her even more beautiful
1:00:42 sleeping
1:02:13 who's her?
1:10:18 it's coming right for us (South Park reference )
1:11:34 God is coming
1:13:33 GOD IS HERE
1:37:40 Ave Maria 🛐
2:03:04 the supa
2:03:36 mouth germs
2:13:46   2:14:49  ありがとう.


Otsuikeyy :_heart::_heart: Such a fun stream hehe


vod gang yet again bc was out for dinner with the family. did not know what the hell this game could be about when i saw the schedule,  but i certainly wasn't expecting.... this. i think we should play more cursed games on the channel. the absurdity just makes everything so fun lmfao. canadian ike and southern ike cameo tskr. congrats on meeting god. otsuikey!!!:_heart:


1:13:36 jumpscare


S q u i r r e l

Moose timestamp because funny haha:


otsuikey!! always down to Commit Sins