
This is one of the most impactful documentaries concerning veterans that is on YouTube. These men are an example to all of us. God bless them.


My husband was in the army. We were   high school sweethearts at age 16 and married at 22. Had two beautiful daughters. He passed away at home from a heat attack. He was my one and only wonderful husband. It’s been 20 yrs. since he passed away and I never remarried he was the only one for me💖💕


I praying 🙏 for all the men serving! God bless them all!! Stay safe and strong! Please get help if you need it, please don’t suffer, mentally or physically!! No shame for needing help!! We appreciate your service!!💕


There's a program in the town (Aspen) I grew up in called "Hut's for Vet's" where some friends of mine will guide you all up to a gorgeous view and huts that were constructed by the 10'th Mountain Division in Colorado. If anyone from this documentary is reading this, please respond and I will put you in touch with the people who run the program to get you guys a slot. Can't put into words how deeply this film impacted me as a non com. Thank you is too small of a phrase to express the gratitude I feel for the unknown acts of service you guys commited and trauma is probably too small of a term to express how it feels to be in your shoes. Even if you don't do the hut trip, if any of you want a vacation to Aspen, let me know and I will get you skiing (zero cost).  All the love from CO.


I love you all. Stay strong brothers.


God bless every one of you a thousand times over thank for your service


to guys of 2/7 if any of yous need to talk iam here for any brothers in need rather help lose more


Loved it


It sure is ashame how these true Hero’s have been treated not only by the military but worse by the Americans who these very brave brothers had went to fight for and the thanks they got. I’m so sorry that the people of this country are so I can’t even find the words. God Bless you all Marines 🙏🏼☝🏼


Although i am quite critical about the purposes of military interventions like in Afghanistan, i feel very sad about what the armed forces had and have to endure on a personal level.
And even more how they are systemically left to themselves.
I wish all of them all the best.
Furthermore i am truly impressed by the to my mind unbiased makeup and quality of this documentary.
Thank you for this.


JESUS ❤all of you guys, !!!
I appreciate all of you. You are heroes, and I want to thank you all for serving. 😢I am so sad for all your hurts😢 thank you all for letting us hear your hearts❤ I am praying for all of you guys. you can help many people, and that's why GOD has you here 😇


To all the brothers ... stay strong Fox 2/7.


This was very emotional and sad to see. I feel like the only good thing that has come out of Iraq and Afghanistan is that America had enough - there is no appetite for war anymore among Americans. Politicians offered up Russia and China for a next large scale war - America said - Thanks Sir, but we've bled enough


That painting is worth more than a million $ because you all did it. Why the hell no medals given to the wounded. Seriously America, I am an Australian, so stop this and treat your vets with up most respect. Give them medals, honour them daily. The Marines HQ really need to wake the hell up and do something for these people, these humans that gave it all.


never did like Portland now I dislike it more. disgraceful how some of these guys have been treated.


3/5 Sergeant Matthew Abbate (Hollywood needs to make a movie about that dude)


This is so terrible, I can't believe how marines are treated. If you are struggling, please let me know, I am not all that but we can at least talk and I like going fishing 😊, I do suck at it though 😅 FYI.


After all of that, you choose to live in Portland, Oregon?


Need to change the name for more views (2/5 Marine Battalion- Afghanistan then the struggle )


Servwd woth 2/7 STP in Farah, Helmand & Nowazad. Many Blesdings Men. LAET US HEAL John Spannuth, LT, USN