
My practice is first thing in the morning. I am at day 173 for a morning meditation. I recite The Just for today: I will not get angry, I will not worry, I will do my work honestly, I will be grateful for my many blessings and I will be kind to all beings. I will  pull 3 cards for the day. I do the spiritual protection 101. I journal my thoughts and then I try to read for a short time something positive. Right now I am reading A course in Miracles Experience by Pam Grout.  I love my mornings.


My non negotiable practice is the 101 Angel protection with my kids on the way to school and each of us sharing what we are grateful for...been doing it since Covid and my now 16, 8 and 7 year old are able to lead the prayer. Brings me so much joy❤




My thought here is- I don’t jibe with an everyday ritual. To me- it begins to feel…dead. Raised in church I did a lot of things just because it’s what I always did… these days I find something that genuinely feels authentic that day and do it.  It can change day to day and if nothing feels right that day I just accept it and allow it to be a day like that.  Maybe genuine expression IS my daily practice ;)


I enjoy your messages so much! I have followed your progress since your first deck of Angel cards and your first book of Angel prayers. You have a gift that you delight in sharing with us. Thank you for including us on your journey.  My non-negotiable practice is to pray the Rosary.  I am not roman catholic, but was drawn to this practice over 10 years ago and it remains with me.


I do a 20 minute centering prayer meditation. My goal is to do it daily, but it’s remarkable how tough it is to start a healthy habit and how easy it is to break it. I keep at it. A weekly group sit really helps.


My spiritual practice started as non-negotiable when I joined this amazing platform with  community of like minded souls.

7 months ago I made non-negotiable my commitment to my self on this sacred journey inward.
-Start my day with Spiritual Protection and then right into non-negotiable 33+ minutes of meditation practices unbroken now for 208 days.

-End my day with 33+ minutes (which includes one meditation practice as of today 193 days unbroken), Spiritual Protection and prayers all non-negotiable.

I am so grateful for how this has changed my life, and believe me, in more ways than I am even aware of.

Thank you Kyle for you loving guidance, forever grateful! ❤♾️❤


Kyle, thank you for your videos and free teachings! I'm grateful for you and these. I started practicing the kundalini a couple of weeks ago and have found it and all your music to be profoundly deepening.  My vibes have definitely increased my healing is just occurring and I am so grateful 🙏  thank you for sharing your love and teachings in spirituality ❤


Thank you Kyle I’m never going to stop now . Mine is block the evil eye since you brought that out if been doing this every day it’s get you there !! And great for you bing wings. Iam thinking I should have carried on with clearing past karmas over the 40 days . But I have other meditation I’ve been doing off your amazing high vibes platform. I started with you back in May 2024 and started with healing the vortex and others Iam completely hooked and I feel more alive than ever and I’m self healing too. ❤️ Thank you for your amazing platform and meditation it’s all so well thought out  and explained,  I love the app . 🙏❤️ Namaste


Thank you Kyle! Its always nice to hear what others are doing for their spiritual practice.
I do a meditation everyday, but its usually a guided meditation. Then i pull oracle cards to see what the energy of the day and then lastly i write what in my new daily gratitude book i got for my birthday and its got room for 5 years worth. 💕🙏😇


My practice is first thing in the morning, I journal ( first dream, then gratitude, then regular), pull a card for the day and have a short meditation.  Thanks for sharing your practice with us.


thank you kyle just discovered your book{raise your vibration} in a book fair thank you for your guidance thank you universe


oh Kyle, i have lost count of the amount of time i promise myself to start this yet there is always always something ( oh i wish i could tell you the nightmare that is my life and how at 66yrs i am still living it ) thats gets in the way of it. I adore watching your delightful information online and i know how much i desperately need this but i adore the fact that you are so focused as indeed are all your followers. I live just up the road from your home so you will know how peaceful it is but peace seems to ignore me and darkness and stress follows me wherever i go. Bless you Kyle for being you.


love the vulnerable Kyle 😇”a grateful heart is magnetic to miracles” thank you thank you … good to know that it’s not just me that needs to rewire each day.  “ wow- it’s alive!” … writing a charm a day.. oracle card… love these… and the idea to make “non- negotiable “ 
my one non- negotiable has been a silent meditation 11 min every night before bed.  changed my life!!  much love and gratitude here for you kyle- love the channel !!!!


Can I get your wonderful PDF of that meditation???
Thank you, dear Kyle


Waking up every morning between 3 and 4 AM, I go straight into a combination of prayer, meditation and Reiki, ending with your Spiritual Protection 101. This will take anywhere between one and two hours. Solfeggios are my “white noise”, and I always go to back to sleep afterwards. The difference this has made in my life is magical!
Thank you for sharing your many gifts, Kyle, and blessings to the collective ❤


You're amazing! You make my soul smile. Thank you for being a ever present teacher for the last 11 years for me❤❤


I am committed to practicing mindful prayer five times a day, as required by Islam. This spiritual practice allows me to connect with a higher power and generate positive energy, resulting in spiritual cleansing and self-healing. I have been practicing this ritual since my childhood, and it has helped me through some of the toughest and most traumatic events in my life. It provides me with a sense of peace, security, hope, and resilience, which allows me to overcome adversity. This practice enlightens me to perceive reality by focusing on the blessings and living with gratitude every day, every moment, for all that happens. In Islamic Arabic, we use the word "Alhamdollelah" to reaffirm our gratitude to Allah whenever someone asks us, "How are you?". Additionally, this practice has empowered me to share this positive energy with others who are willing to accept it without resistance.


Mirror work by Louise Hay over and over again 21 day practice , gratitude journaling 3 things I’m gretful in my life 3 things I’m greatful that haven’t manifested but I write it as I have in the now one or 3 things I’m greatful that happens in others life, walking meditation of 30 min version by dr Joe Dispenza at night Louise hay night meditation and your archangel Michael meditation and meditation that opens hearth radiant hearth by dr Joe or meditations by Diana cooper and meditation by dr Joe Dispenza on changing a behavior and over all journaling writing down what I learn from everyday life also I do Sonia choquette meditation and listen empower you app i maybe not doing it nonnegotiable but I do it 4-5 times a week and maybe not all at once but I try my best and now I want to try to learn Kundalini Vaje Guru one that you do I love you Kyle boy thank you for your love wisdom and guidance beyond great-full all my love Cubes 🙏🌸💞 and lots of love to your mum too 🙏🌸💞


I totally understand the idea of reading but not practising. I read lots I try to find out and understand lots with regard to being spiritually connected. I now centre myself and be still and pray morning and evening- I make gratefulness part of my words and prayers and I ask the angels to stay with me and  thank the angels daily whenever I see or recognise a sign from them. Now I feel I need to do more . This video has helped with that .