Dhar just dropped a cinematic upgrade out of nowhere huh
I almost forgot this was a dhar Mann video 😮
“Forgive him” “Never mind” was the most entertaining part of the episode
'this was so muich more natural and real compared to usual dhar videos and im here for it . ..
this one is actually so cute like I can't stop smiling the whole video
Shy? Girl is one of the most outgoing characters I've seen in all of Dhar Mann bro 😭
„Forgive him „ „Nevermind dont forgive him „ „Mby u should forgive him“ Got me Rolling on the floor😂 Omg thanks for the 117 likesss🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
*"I don't need a caretaker dude, I'm not dying. I'm not dying, right?"* LMFAOO
"forgive him forgive him" "I can't be with someone who cheated on me right as we started to date" "never mind don't forgive him" Goes hard🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Edit:mama im famous
Hi everyone! I'm Ingrid, I play Ximena in this episode! I'm grateful to be a part of this story. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as I loved being a part of it!
crazy how dhar mann went from filming skits in an apartment to now having a whole team. Been here since you started and you’re an inspiration, mann. ❤
Hey, I'm Simu Chitondo and I played Brock! Glad you guys are enjoying the episode, and thanks for watching!
24:31 Bro you literally went back to Brock who cheated on you what do you mean you can't be with someone who cheated on you? 💀
I like the bonding between Jack and Ellie the most in this brand-new episode. Thank you for presenting the whole thing to the world.
this was so muich more natural and real compared to usual dhar videos and im here for it
Hey everyone, I played Jack Silver! My name is Ivan and I just want thank everyone for making me feel so welcome into the Dhar Mann family! What do you think of the episode? Do you think I was telling the truth to Ellie😳?
25:05 Bro is proposing to her in front of her ex at the plane and he still didn't care is crazy. 💀
Hey, it's Vanessa and I played Ellie! We had so much fun making this! Are you Team Brock or Team Jack?
"I cant go back to someone that cheated on me" Her as she sits next to the guy that cheated on her at the start of the episode 💀💀💀💀