His observations are always mind blowing. Like I never connected the miracles of Isa (AS) with the events of judgment day. Love listening to ustadh. May Allah protect him and bless him.
As a new convert, this is so valuable to me! Thank you so much!
I bet,many people converted to islam after this Khutbah ❤
I got goosebumps and teary eyes at the end of the video. Masha Allah, SubhanAllah. Wisest is Allah. May Brother Nouman be blessed and protected always.
Pray for you and your dawa from germany! I wish the whole ummah would take this advices of true quran lecture.
This brother is an excellent teacher, definitely one of the best resources I’ve found in my pursuit of truth and furthering my knowledge of Islam. Alhamdulillah
By the end of this khutbah , I was just simply mind blown. From the interpretations, explanations, audio and video quality were all amazing. May Allah always bless and preserve NAK
The audio quality is amazing ma sha allah!
Looking at the Abrahamic religion from this simple perspective of Jesus is very a challenging eye opener. Thank you
Mashallah. I am so happy that that people like u exist. U r helping us a lot in our Din. May allah grant all your wishes... Amin
I truly appreciate your knowledge that you share and break down understanding Quran . Thank you Ameen 🤲🏾🤲🤲🏽🤲🏼
This is the best description of Islam ever!!Subhanallah. intelligent and inspired. My father who is Catholic Mexiacn but very studious told me in the United States at the library he would read the Quran. Mashallah. Yet, he felt it was like a copy and paste of the jewish torah and the Bible! wow, now we have a deep and complex explanation of this! Thank you Subhanallah. JazakhAllahu khayr. Ramadan Mubarak.
Alhamdulilah i was fortunate when i was able to meet Nouman Ali Khan when he came to the NWICC Masjid in Minneapolis... Insha'Allah, i will meet him again someday
I’m agree everything Nouman Ali khan explains absolutely freaks me out! The Quran is such a beautiful book! Such beauty so miraculous stories ❤
Today I had a debate with a fellow Christian friend about Quran and bible and after the debate I prayed to Allah, I don’t know if I did the right thing or told the right thing. If I made a mistake please forgive me and help me understand Quran better, because I started having bad anxiety after the debate. And I see this video right on the front of my page. Allah subhan tala talk to you and want to give you the wisdom when you ask for it. Thank you Allah!
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
Salam Alaikum, once again a knowledgeable khutba. May Allah grant u knowledge & health ... u have made the understanding of Quran v easy. Jazak Allah khair.
Subhanallah such a important top.may Allah guide and protect Palestine 🇵🇸