Bro understood the assignment. 😭
It's nice seeing people give the unfortunate ones free food, how generous!
Bro got caught black handed
Bro knew the drill 💀
He couldn't hold him self back he had to have some chicken
You forgot the watermelon🍉
Ngl he was pretty chill and didnt get mad at him for saying well well well
"welll wellll wellllll look what we have here" the drive thru dude aint even offended or mad or any emotion i feel like hes done this many times for him to also say welll welll welllll
well well welll always gets mee😭😭😭😭😂
Famous words “well well well“ 😂
I like how he just accepted it
Bro caught himself in 4k let’s his hellcat human tendencies win
It was awesome the fact how cool he truly was.
“I’ll be at the front window” took me out 😭
“A little bit of this and a little bit of that” ahh 😭
"Basketball person care package" LMFAO
bros going places your funny af
well well well… look what we have here
Bro has an infinite supply of basketball person care package equipment ig