That one without a stick at the front was like "Oh hurray, yay, we did it, Yay, ye!"
A coming of age rite for all young Tusken men.
Really liked that we got a more positive outlook on these lovely bastards.
Every Monster Hunter player after finally carving a Rathalos plate
My first thought: "Oh great, they found an egg. Now this whole mess while start all over again soon." Then my Star Wars Nerd Brain kicked in a few days later: "Oh my god, that was a krayt drake pearl! The same from kotor! Omg! They actually took that peice of lore from legends and made it canon! Damn I love this series!"
0:07 when you carve out the rarest item after every hunt in Monster Hunter
Casuals: Is that an egg??? FANS: YAAAASSS!!!! KRAYT DRAGON PEARL!!!! WHOOOOO!!!
Jawas: Get mudhorn egg and eat it. Tusken Raiders: Get Krayt Dragon pearl as a rite of passage.
Slaying a Greater Krayt Dragon, truly a good hunt! LOOK AT THE PEARL, it must at the very least 600 years old,
just look how haapy they are xd
Mando looks so badass with boba’s armor. I wonder if boba could get it back, or if him losing it means he can never put it back on
I thought it was a egg. Nice to know from comments this is a pearl and thats its a rite of passage for tuskens.
I think it makes sense that there’s a Pearl inside these dragons because they probably eat a lot of salt, silica and all kinds stuff in the sand
Oh, so it's like the Cintamani like jewel carried by Imugi dragons to become true dragons! How interesting!
They make great lightsaber additions 😉
I don’t know why but the high pitched Tusken yell made me laugh haha
Dam it Joe got it
That is certainly quite a prize considering some are palm sized etc...