My grandma used to say that " anuvanuvula thri murthulu untaru " , which means each atom has trinity in it , but I never took her seriously, but in my school when I learned that an atom has 3 fundamental particles, then I was amused, please cover a video on khanasasthram ( science of atoms ) of vedic culture 🙏
Wow, my wife's side of the family practice Hinduism. I have an even bigger respect and understanding of this amazing religion
The problem with modern science, as an astrodynamicist I know for a fact, is that it only deal with what it can observe, which makes the 13.7 billion years age of the universe as an observable universe. The one unobserved cannot be mapped by the universe due to epistemic uncertainty (what you dont know, you dont know). Sanatana Vaidica Dharma takes into account multi-dimensionality, abstract concepts and unknown concepts of universes and computes the number from outside through the possibilities of meditation, and that too with good precision. Hats off!
The Hindu metrics of time (Kaala Vyavahara) can be summarized as below: • a Lipta (लिप्ता) is approximately 0.4 seconds • a Vighati (विघटि) is 60 Liptas, or approximately 24 seconds • a Ghadika (घटि) is 60 Vighatis, or approximately 24 minutes • a Muhurta is equal to 2 Ghadikas, or approximately 48 minutes • a Nakshatra ahoratram (नक्षत्र अहोरत्रम्) or sidereal day is exactly equal to 30 Muhurtas (Note: A day is considered to begin and end at sunrise, not midnight.) An alternate system described in the Vishnu Purana Time measurement section of the Vishnu Purana Book I Chapter III is as follows: 100 Truti = 1 Tatpara 30 Tatpara = 1 Nimesha 15 Nimeshas = 1 Kásht́há 30 Kásht́hás = 1 Kalá 30 Kalás = 1 Kṣaṇa 12 Kṣaṇa = 1 Muhúrtta 30 Muhúrttas = 1 day (24 hours) 30 days = 1 month 6 months = 1 Ayana 2 Ayanas = 1 year or one day (day + night) of the gods Small units of time used in the Vedas • a Trasarenu is the combination of 6 celestial atoms. • a Truti is the time needed to integrate 3 Trasarenus, or 1/1687.5th of a second. • a Vedha is 100 Trutis. • a Lava is 3 Vedhas. • a Nimesha is 3 Lavas, or a blink. • a Kshanas is 3 Nimeshas. • a Kashthas is 5 Kshanas, or about 8 seconds. • a Laghu is 15 Kashthas, or about 2 minutes. 15 Laghus make one Nadika, which is also called a danda. This equals the time before water overflows in a six-pala-weight [fourteen ounce] pot of copper, in which a hole is bored with a gold probe weighing four masha and measuring four fingers long. The pot is then placed on water for calculation. 2 Dandas make one Muhurta. 6 or 7 Dandas make one Yamah, or 1/4th of a day or night. 4 Praharas or 4 Yamas are in each day or each night. LUNAR METRICS a tithi (also spelled thithi ) or lunar day is defined as the time it takes for the longitudinal angle between the moon and the sun to increase by 12°. Tithis begin at varying times of day and vary in duration from approximately 19 to approximately 26 hours. a paksa (also paksha) or lunar fortnight consists of 15 tithis a masa or lunar month (approximately 29.5 days) is divided into 2 pakshas: the one between new moon and full moon is called gaura (bright) or shukla paksha; the one between full moon and new moon krishna paksha a ritu is 2 masa an ayanam is 3 rituhs a year is 2 Aayanas TROPICAL METRICS a Yaama (याम) = 1/4th of a day(light) or night [ = 7½ Ghatis (घटि) = 3¾ Muhurtas (मुहूर्त) = 3 Horas (होरा) ] 4 Yaamas 1 half of the day (either day or night) 8 Yaamas 1 day (day + night) an Ahoratram is a tropical day (Note: A day is considered to begin and end at sunrise, not midnight.) Reckoning of time among other entities Reckoning of time amongst the pitrs. 1 human day = 1/30 day of the pitrs 30 days of human is 1 month of human = 1 day of the pitrs 12 months of human = 1 year of the pitrs The lifespan of the pitrs is 100 years of the pitrs (= 3,600 human years) Reckoning of time amongst the Devas. 1 human year = 1 day of the Devas. 30 days of the Devas = 1 month of the Devas. 12 months of the Devas = 1 year of the Devas The lifespan of the Devas is 100 years of the Devas (= 36,000 human years) The Vishnu Purana Time measurement section of the Vishnu Purana Book I Chapter III explains the above as follows: 2 Ayanas (six month periods, see above) = 1 year or one day (day + night) of the devas 360 days of the devas = 1 year of the devas 12,000 years of the devas = 4 Yugas Reckoning of time for Brahma. 12,000 years of the Devas = 1 day of Brahma (4320,000,000 human years). This day is divided into 10, 000 parts called charanas. The charanas are divided as follows: The Four Yugas 4 charanas (1,728,000 solar years) Satya Yuga 3 charanas(1,296,000 solar years) Treta Yuga 2 charanas(864,000 solar years) Dwapara Yuga 1 charanas(432,000 solar years) Kali Yuga The cycle repeats itself so altogether there are 1000 cycles of yugas in one day of Brahma. One cycle of the above four yugas is one mahayuga (4.32 billion solar years) A manvantara consists of 71 mahayugas (306,720,000 solar years). Each Manvantara is ruled by a Manu. After each manvantara follows one Sandhi Kala of the same duration as a Krita Yuga (1,728,000 = 4 Charana). (It is said that during a Sandhi Kala, the entire earth is submerged in water.) A kalpa consists of a period of 1,728,000 solar years called Adi Sandhi, followed by 14 manvantaras and Sandhi Kalas. A day of Brahma equals (14 times 71 mahayugas) + (15 x 4 Charanas) = 994 mahayugas + (60 Charanas) = 994 mahayugas + (6 x 10) Charanas = 994 mahayugas + 6 mahayugas = 1000 mahayugas as is confirmed by the Gita statement "sahasra-yuga paryantam ahar-yad brahmano viduH", meaning, a day of brahma is of 1000 (maha-)yugas. Thus a day of Brahma, kalpa, is of duration: 4.32 billion solar years. Two kalpas constitute a day and night of Brahma 30 days of Brahma = 1 month of Brahma (259,200,000,000 human years) 12 months of Brahma = 1 year of Brahma (3,110,400,000,000 human years) 25 years of Brahma = 1 kalpa (77,760,000,000,000 human years) 2 kalpas = 1 parardha (155,520,000,000,000 human years) 2 parardhas = 100 years of Brahma, the lifespan of Brahma (311,040,000,000,000 human years) The Vishnu Purana Time measurement section of the Vishnu Purana Book I Chapter III explains the above as follows: 360 days of the gods = 1 year of the gods 12,000 years of the gods = 4 Yugas 1,000 sets of 4 Yugas = a day of Brahmá 50 years of Brahma = 1 Pararddham 100 years of Brahma = 1 Param 4,000 + 400 + 400 = 4,800 years = 1 Krita Yuga 3,000 + 300 + 300 = 3,600 years = 1 Tretá Yuga 2,000 + 200 + 200 = 2,400 years = 1 Dwápara Yuga 1,000 + 100 + 100 = 1,200 years = 1 Kali Yuga Alternately, the reigns of 7 Rishis, Indra and Manu = 1 Manwantara = 71x12,000+A (A is not given) = 852,000 years of the gods+A (A is not given) 14 Manwantaras = a day of Brahmá VEDIC TIME UNITS GREATER THAN A KALPA Ancient vedic cosmology takes into account handful of time spans which are even greater than one Kalpa or a day of Brahma. One such unit is a "Maha-Kalpa" which is composed of 36000 such days of Brahma. One Maha-Kalpa is considered as the lifetime of Brahma. There are time units which are larger than one Maha-Kalpa. The largest of them has been calculated as several quadrillions of human years. This precise and massive calculations indicate one important aspect of vedic time system, that, whenever the term "Infinity" has been mentioned in Vedas, it does not indicate something very large. Instead, it appears that the term is meant to refer its literal synonym itself.
It is crazy how the Hindu concept of the universe is so scientific. It is so advance. So we gotta ask ourselves, was there an advance civilization out in the cosmos? Ancient astronaut theorists will say yes!
not a hindu but yes the concept of hindu always blows my mind. It's concept is scientific and way ahead of its time.
I didn't grow up Hindu but I'm learning about different religions now and I've always been spiritual and meditated on my own and now I'm learning so much about Hinduism and it aligns so much with what I've always believed. So glad to be educating myself little by little it's a beautiful religion and I'm excited to learn more ❤
I have great respect for the richness of Indian culture and documented history and wisdom. This is mind blowing that it was written in ancient times, proving that we are barely touching the surface of depth of knowledge possessed by the ancients
As a Hindu indian, i feel very proud that our ancestors were so intelligent and advance. They explored all field like maths, science, space, philosophy. It pains my heart that mughals and British destroyed most of that knowledge.
Hinduism was always way ahead then modern astrology concepts but it's a shame that we have forgotten this, thanks for bringing up
"This teaching on the Four Noble Truths hit home for me. It's a powerful reminder that suffering is universal, but there's a path to overcome it. Grasping the truth changes everything."
I was raised as a Christian and 15 years ago I left my religion because I felt it did not provide me with any depth of knowledge and it felt like what I was reading was watered down. I starting reading up and studying all the major world traditions and religions and I was absolutely blown away by how much detail and sense there is within Hinduism. The symbolism in the Murti's and puja's are wise and beautiful.
I am atheist before now when i started reading Hindu’s scriptures and then realised hinduism is most scientific religion. Just before reading text i just think hinduism is all about fake religion but now I’m sanatani now and changed my name. Hare Krishna 🙏
Indian Texts are most planned, calculated and full of intellect. We should proud of our culture and the wisdom of it. This type of knowledge of our ancestors should not be in vain. We should tell our children about these scriptures along with the Modern Sciences.
I was Christian, a youth pastor for a few years, a Bible school teacher as well, then I became Muslim, and now I realized that Hinduism makes the most sense. Hare Krishna 🕉️
I was born catholic but I believe in everything as a spiritual person but Hinduism was the first religion ever and I believe more in Hinduism than catholic and everything else
That's why it is always said. Hinduism is not a religion, but a "Way of Life".
Well done Indian monk team, to the point and with high accuracy !
Even though I'm born Hindu, but i did questioned my faith, i remember the time when i don't liked Hinduism. But with time it changed... I learned and learning Hinduism aka the Sanatana Dharma 🕉️. And I'm going to love it more and more. The ancient knowledge is so advanced, scientific and philosophical ❤. I thank the God to lead my way. Jai shree Ram. Har har Mahadev ❤