
You have the best videos in the world and actually your fan


That's a banger RAYSSA ❤️❤️😁🦋


🎉 happy birthday happy holidays to. I miss you so much you’re a great YouTuber, so do you have a handshake? Are you gonna make a handshake?




Happy birthday girl🎉 hope you had a good birthday🎉❤️


I hope you guys are safe with your family last night was so scary


Yes a new puppy teddy needs a friend ❤❤❤


Y’all always make my day 10 times better even tho I have a good day at school.


There the best like they are here to make us laugh and they are brave like I will be there for them


Yes, we should get a new puppy because Teddy is a friend 🐾🐶


I ❤ you trench family ❤❤❤❤❤ I’m watching all of your videos still you should get baby number three❤


You guys need to watch bluey it’s so cute it makes me laugh every single time it’s so good for kids!❤️


Trench family never disappoints us❤


Please get a new puppy, it will complete the family of 6🎉and happy belated birthday raysa God bless you with many more happy years to come🎂💕😊


Team jp and rayssa forever together and i love you guys forever


Happy birthday🎉😂❤❤ Zoe is so cute.


Perfect family you guys handle that situation very good I would have been scared also you guys should get a pug dog they don't bite and they're very cute they love to cuddle


Turnn the camera of jp came so close lol😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love Zelly and her little walker


You definitely got him rayssa llmao❤❤❤❤