12:00 I'm sure many know this but this event is where we get the term "phyrric victory"
It's great to finally put a face to the voice!! Have been a Histocrat fan some time now and really enjoy your work. I only wish I had the funds to support you more than just views. Hopefully once all this BS gets over with that will change. Thank You Sir for your time and efforts! They are truly appreciated!
It's crazy how your content covers exactly my favorite periods and topics in history. Neolithic civilizations ✔️ Late Bronze Age ✔️ Late Roman Republic (Caesar) ✔️ Punic Wars ✔️ And each video is a masterclass in historical story telling. Awesome work brother! With the History channel being what it is, there's a surge in interest in historical content on youtube. Keep doing what you're doing (quality over quantity) and I'm positive that your channel will be huge.
What an absolutely cracking video! It always scares me when we mention the same topics. My heart was in my mouth when you mentioned the political offices lol.
Cracking vid. Looking forward to the rest in the series
This is comfort content. Love the topics. Subscribed!
You should also cover the following Punic wars. Great work 👍
Another ep I can fall asleep 300 times to
Nice to see your face this time too, freaking love your content, I watch it thru once than add it to my bedtime list and listen to your videos all thru the night.
I always feel sad when I hear about Carthage. Super interesting underappreciated part of history.
A Histocrat video I can finish in 1 sitting? It's a Christmas miracle
History time on the phoenicians and histocrat on the punic wars, nice little early Christmas present 😁
Love the video! There are so few videos on the Punic Wars and even less of such high quality. Both incredibly informative and extremely engaging. I can’t wait for the next video(s) in the series! Great work!
9:15 Damn that's not what I expected you to look like. Awesome video though man. Very in depth. Read and watched a lot on the Punic Wars. But still found this very enjoyable and thorough.
The struggle between carthage and rome is my favourite. Thanks for covering
10/10 high quality content here. You deserve way more subs and way more views
I'm glad there are people like you making quality content like this. And having different runtimes from different creators lets me do deep dives when I want to, or scan the surface to pick up the general concepts.
Great video, thanks for this! Thoroughly enjoyed it. And perfect hand movement, ngl.
All HAIL the Histocrat. Can't wait to watch this.