This was my most wanted tip since seeing you use it in so many tutorials! Colors make the process so much better!
Alejandro, you're channel is the best for REAPER workflow tips.
Have been using color palette for quite a while, but didn’t realize half of its power. Thanks a bunch!
9:59 thank you! I wanted a HSL option, but clicking and dragging the color is also a good alternative.
You know what would be even better, combining RODI's color palette with SWS's auto coloring. If I could say in SWS, auto color my tracks whenever I add one, but pick a colour of RODI's user palette. Honestly, I'm lazy and I'm not too fussed about the colours, as long as it sticks to my user palette ;) If anyone would figure this out, that'd be fantastic.
I just spent yesterday figuring out Apple's color picker and creating a named list of all the colors I want under the heading of Reaper. Drums = yellow, Guitar = green, keys = purple, etc. I also have a custom key to call it up and it is just as easy to work with as what you show here, but not quite as versatile. I do appreciate what you have presented here and I might pursue it.
Hola, soy nuevo en Reaper. Ya adopte tu theme (😉💪), pero ahora quiero tu paleta de colores.... Tenes algún vídeo donde se explique detalladamente los pasos para agregarlo a Reaper?
Another excellent tutorial, Alejandro! This script will be a great addition to Auto Color/Icon/Layout - it'll allow me to easily and quickly create color variations! Thanks again, my friend!
Thanks! I’ve been using this script for a while but learned a couple of useful things
Nice recommend, thanks!
:face-blue-smiling:Is it possible to set the track view to only show the track that is selected in the mixer view? :D
Awesome, ty so much!!!
This tool is amazing! Thank you a lot
Thx! love you video !
I'm a studio user. I'm feeling love Reaper after watching this video❤️😂
Hey dude nice info here! And great videos!
cool, i was not sold on this until this video. thanks!
love it, thx for posting :)
This is amazing