I watched this video about 2 months ago, when i was just entering a very stressful time (had to study for 7 chemistry and physics exams basically at the same time) and i thought why not apply those tips and see what happens. Well, I did and i passed every single one of them, even better than i expected and now i have my bachelors degree. Thank you very very much mr. lobdell!
Watched this at 2X speed. Took me 30 mins. Watch Less Watch Smart.
i never imagined watching a WHOLE DAMN 1 HR COURSE and not get bored , not even for a second. HANDS DOWN TO THIS GUY. This video will surely change my life
I use to study by teaching my mom. I would start by "mom, did you know that..." and I would explain to her what I learned and she would ask me questions. I am so blessed that she was interested in what I was learning and would engage with me.
This guy gets it. Some professors aren’t engaging and then they wonder why we didn’t understand their 2 hour lecture
Because of this guy I got 95/100 national exams thank you
27 year old sophomore starting over. This lecture helped me change my life last year. Came back to say thank you.
This professor looks so insanely into what he's doing. So much passion and actual human emotion goes into his lectures. He's actually invested into helping people and doesn't just do it for the salary. Respect
Kids should learn this ealier in school rather than wait until they go to University.
00:15 - Study breaks + Reward system What to know: - By rewarding yourself with satisfying experiences, you create good impression about studying and reinforce such idea. What to do: - Pomodoro Technique: gotta make the best out of these breaks 😊 - Give yourself a big treat again after done studying 😊 10:19: Dedicated Studying Area What to do: - Get a Study Lamp (exclusive for this) + a Study Table (stay away from the bed) - Once you've completed your studying quarters (Pomodoro technique), get up and leave the place -> You're creating a study area where some of your specific behaviors are encouraged 19:49 Active learning What to know: (1) it means that you actually understand the concepts since they're related to your previous knowledge. (2) you understand what you're doing this for rather than just superficially read or memorize them. You brain is very smart. If you speak meaningless words to it, there won't be any effect on it. 32:49 Study groups What to know: It's easier to learn from people sharing same experiences with us. These shared experiences allow them to connect their elaborations to our previous knowledge. 33:58 Recognition and recollection are 2 different things What to know: Recollection happens when you can explain in your own words 36:57 Sleeping (REM) What to do: Get enough sleep (8 hours) -> enough REM -> enough to consolidate and store our memories 39:09 Taking notes What to know: Right after a class -> sit down and expand on everything in your previous notes. Give it depth. Note down all of your impression. 41:20 Active recitation What to know: 80% of our time is best spent on teaching it back. -> teach an empty chair 43:22 SQ3R What to know: Survey + Question: Encourage you to look for answers 47:42 Acronyms + coin sayings + Interactive images What to know: Creating an acronym/ Coining a saying is a way to make sense and make fun of facts. Interactive messages: make everything seems weird (such a weird story!) -> easier to recollect it next time
Incredible how this is available on the internet for free. We are so spoilt, and I think It's great.
CONTENT 00:15 – 1) Study break 07:50 – 2 Reward system 10:19 – 3) Dedicated study area (Behavior Reinforcement) 19:49 – 4) Rote memorization vs. Active learning 32:49 – 5) Study groups 33:58 – 6) Highlighting books (Recognition vs. Recollection) 36:37 – 7) Remembering (Recollection) ---- 36:57 – 8) Sleeping (REM Sleep) 39:09 – 9) Taking notes 41:20 – 10) Active Recitation 43:22 – 11) Study from books (SQ3R = Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) 47:42 – 12) Mnemonics (Acronyms, Coin Sayings, Interactive Images)
I tried to summarize the whole lecture, and I'm really sorry if I made any mistake. I hope it helps you: 1. Break it up into small chunks and reinforce it. Find out what is funny to do during short breaks, and what is a great reward at the end of the consecutive studying hours. --------------------------------------------------------- 2. Create a study area. Turn your table and chair to make your bed behind you, so that you don't look at it and remember sleeping. Try studying at some study café. --------------------------------------------------------- 3. The more active you are in your learning, the more effective. The way to learn effectively is first you have to decide what you are learning: facts or concepts? Understanding the name of a bone is a fact, but understanding what it does in the body is a concept. If it's a fact use Google, references... etc. Concepts are more important. Learning only the facts is a waste of time, for example, I remember the lyrics of thousands of songs but do I know what are those songs about? I don't know what is 90% of the songs are about. Can you put the concept in your own words? If you can't; you don't really understand it. It's not meaningful to you, and to make it meaningful is a struggle that you need to do, or you're wasting your study time. Take the time to discover the meaning of it. What is the meaning of meaning? A meaningful piece is a piece that relates to something you already know. Ex: a file system, that you've already established, you add a new entry to it so it's all neatly organized, and it's very easy if you got a file system to add a new entry. A meaningless piece is a piece that does not relate to something you already know. So, how should you understand something brand new? You have to create a new entry. You should break it down. Tips of advice: A. Study groups are powerful & great. B. Read the whole thing (ex: 4 paragraphs) & then get back and read and understand the 1st paragraph again, one by one. C. Sleep well, have a good rest for your memory. D. Write notes during the class, and right after the class; sit down with your notes and expand on everything you wrote down, give it depth. If you want to do it after 2 hours you will have forgotten some of your own notes. E. Look for classmates and ask them for help. F. Active Recitation: The best way to learn is to teach somebody else. If there's no one, teach an empty chair, or write it out. --------------------------------------------------------- 4. How to use textbooks? Use "SQ3Rs": Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. Survey: a textbook is not a novel, so you can go through the entire chapter and survey it. Question: you raise questions as you go through the survey, ex: what is X here? , what is Y..?...etc. Read & Recite mentioned before. Review: give yourself enough time to review what you've studied. We usually make a mistake when we start studying shortly before the exams which leaves us with NO time to review what we've studied. --------------------------------------------------------- 5. Acronyms and interacting images. Acronyms help you remember and memorize facts, terms, and idioms. Interacting images help you understand and also connect things together and memorize facts. ---------------------------------------------------------
Nowadays, this video would have been a $100 monthly subscription learning service divided to 6 months with a premium tier of +$30 for a few extra minutes cut from the original. And you wont even be able to purchase the subscription unless you watch a 30min introduction with bait statements like "I will tell you shortly how to effectively study but first let me tell you about the history of my family". . Whoever decided to have this whole thing recorded and posted for free, I love you!
I feel grateful that I'm able to watch this for free.
- Study for 25 -30 min slots. : Then take a break for 5 mins and then get back to study. Break can be treat to recharge your brain. - Have a study area: Always use the study area. Use study lamp to be switched only when studying. - Understand concepts: What am I learning : fact or concept ? Grasp the concept so you can derive. - Expand your notes after class : Give it depth - Recapitulate your learning : Go teach someone else, it reinforces your learning. Active recitation. - SQ3R : Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. While starting, survey the chapter and ask questions. - Rote Memorization : 1) Mnemonics 2) Coined sayings 3) Interacting Images (Use visualisations)
im supposed to be studying right now, but instead im watching a video about studying.
I love how a professor teaching in a community college is the one that can tap into so many people’s heads and not someone from an Ivy League college. It’s a testament that going to community college is not bad at all cuz you can meet people like Professor Lobdell.