The lore of this fight is also quite neat given that these are likely the last two demons alive
Cough*How Valiant Gargoyles should have been*Cough*
This fight’s really fun. They can both overlap sometimes and dodging between their legs, smacking their faces, breaking their poise, dying to a meteor from above screen while whiffing your curved sword attack when they rear their head up with 1 hp left…. Great memories.
I love this fight now that I have the hang of it but it was SO HARD at first
I was absolutely floored by this fight. The aesthetic/cinematic quality is absolutely top-notch, the lead-up to it where you climb the cliff and then jump off into the pit, and then when you realize it was a gatekeeper to the craziness of the Ringed City itself.... everything about this encounter is incredible. Plus it's a rare moment of FromSoft actually showing us one of the legendary old characters we never meet in the base game and only get to read about in flavor text. So good.
I really love the ringed city. In terms of striking environments, amazing enemies and bosses and just making you feel like it's the end of the world, no other area in any fromsoft game compares.
Meanwhile we got the valiant gargoyles in elden ring poisoning the whole arena
This is my favorite fight in ds3 hands down. The difficulty, the music, the demon screams and the aggression of the Boss just make this Boss feel so bad ass. When you finally beat it you really feel like you beat a Boss.
The demon Prince is one of my favorite fights ever it's just so fun and so great it reminds me of Orendtin and smough
One of my favorite aspects of this arena is the exit where you grab the banner being Dark souls 1 firelink shrine and essentially the entrance to the ringed city is where Frampt once was, absolute crazy twist
Yes! I feel like most people know this fight is good. But not many talk about it and it when I saw this big boss poll going around on the DS3 sub it got eliminated fast. Which is absolutely insane to me it’s the most well executed duo boss they’ve created still. The Demon feels sooo strong it’s big, moves aggressively, and all attacks give off the impression of power. The cinematic are off the wall the drop down the tree, the jump sky high slam down, sky high fireball, laser, or meteor attack. The first phase theme feels so deep and regal. Then phase two kicks in and it’s so high energy. Towards the end it gets so metal. Also nice touch the Dreg Heap areas go from DS3 -> DS2 -> DS1 their arena being the og Firelink.
honestly one of my favorite fights, absolutely a masterpiece
This boss is probably Top 3 for me Cool design ✅ Awesome soundtrack ✅ Not incredibly difficult ✅
It's rly the case, I remember slaying the boss for my first time, loved it since!
5th fav in the souls games for sure (not including sekiro ofc)
After Elden Ring I’ve started to appreciate Ds3 way more than I did before especially on the boss department
One of my favourite and in my opinion one of the best bosses in the hole franchise
Hard agree. This was my favorite boss in the dlc, nobody talks about them!
One of my favorite bosses of all time