
The gambler is back!!


The gamba is back :_tanqrHyper:


Just always bro loves to gamble lol of course bro would gamble for the whole session 😂😂


Tanqr is the type to get on a leaderboard and say “happy little accidents”🙏😭


you know its a good day when tanqr uploads


We love to see tanqr gambling


Bros theme song is legit the “ LETS GO GAMBLING! “


I have been waiting for you to drop another rivals video!!!!


Bro it’s been it’s back the gambling is back


Bro's gambling addiction will never finish


Finnaly we get tanqr gambling and rivals again


He’s back at it with the gambling! :D


Tanqr can you do ur old Intro that goes like : Subscribe in 3.2 seconds or this (name) will  appear on ur bed


Tanqr coming out with the banger


The Legend is Back with Money to gamble


You’re back rivals yay




Bro tanqr makes such good vids, my fave YouTuber. Keep it up tanqr!


Guys TanqR is back! Les go gambling! aww dang it..


Yessir he's back!