Wow! We can hear AND see the process. I was expecting the audio to be obnoxious musical noise. Being able to hear the sound of the machines and tools is fascinating.This is great!
제품 생산 공정 보는게 왜 힐링 되는지 모르겠습니다. 힐링 영상 감사합니다! 땡큐!
볼링공 제작과정 0:47 코어재료 배합(코어: 볼링공 중심부에 있는 축, 비대칭 또는 대칭 코어 / 원반형 등이 있음, 볼링공이 꺽이게 되는 훅성을 만들어내는 중요한 부분) 1:22 코어 몰드에 코어재료 넣기 2:22 코어 쇼트 작업(코어 표면을 거칠게 만들어 나중에 이너쉘과 잘 결합이 되도록 하는 과정) 2:56 코어 핀 타공(핀의 위치가 중심에서 가깝거나 먼 정도에 따라 볼링공의 스펙을 결정) 3:10 코어의 불필요한 부분 제거 3:35 코어를 볼링공 속공인 이너쉘 몰드에 결합 (볼링공은 코어 +이너쉘 + 외피 또는 코어 + 외피로 이루어져있음) 4:18 속공 몰드에 이너쉘 주입(이너쉘은 부풀어 오르는 특성이 있으며 부풀어오르는 시간을 조절하여 이너쉘의 밀도를 조정함. 볼링공의 무게에 관여함. 같은 파운드의 볼링공에 약간의 무게차이가 있는 이유) 5:38 속공 주입구 제거작업 5:54 쇼트작업이 완료된 속공(외피와 결합이 잘되록 하는 이유) 6:15 속공을 볼링공 외피(커버스탁) 몰드에 결합 6:29 볼링공 외피 재료 주입(외피 즉 커버스탁의 스펙에 따라 볼링공의 마찰력에 결정적인 영향을 줌) 6:52 외피 재료를 굳히는 작업완료 7:51 볼링공 외피의 불필요한 부분 제거 8:22 볼링공의 핀위치 구멍(다른색으로 채워 넣어서 핀위치를 표시를 한다) 8:42 볼링공을 완전한 구형태로 깍아내는 과정(볼링공의 지정된 크기에 맞추어서 깍아낸다) 10:02 1차 샌딩 작업 10:32 볼링공 사이즈 규격 검사 (두개의 링중 하나는 통과해야하고 하나는 통과하면 안된다.영상에는 하나만 나옴) 10:40 영상에선 생략된 부분이 있음 (CG / PAS(mass bias) 위치 표시 등의 내용 :깊은 내용이라.. 볼러들도 어려워하는 거라 생략... 저도 자세히는 모름) 10:57 볼링공 브랜드 및 네이밍, USBC 넘버(공인구 인증번호) 각인 11:19 각인 부분에 컬러 채워넣기 11:45 단계별 샌딩작업: 거친 사포에서 >> 고운 사포로 (마지막에 폴리싱 작업이란것도 있는데 코팅이라고 생각하면됨. 영상의 볼링공은 코팅작업은 없는 볼링공) 외피 가공에 따라 볼링공의 마찰력에 영향을줌 13:24 지공전 엄지덤 사이즈 체크 및 스판 확인 (엄지홀로 부터 중약지 한마디까지 거리) 13:43 지공작업(전문지공사 혹은 볼링 프로 분들의 영역이라 잘 모름. 맡기면 알아서 잘해주심) 끗~
This brings back a lot of memories as in the early 90’s I learned to drill bowling balls and had my own pro shop, eventually drilled for highly talented tournament bowlers. I drilled balls for almost 20 years. This particular ball that they are manufacturing is a high-end ball with a symmetrical or non-symmetrical weight block which allows the driller to position that block in a location That will handle different oil conditions for the bowler plus allowing them to hook or not hook the ball more or less. If you notice on the label of the box each ball at the end of the process is weighed in a way that tells the driller where the center of gravity is, where and how the weight block sits, how much top weight is Positioned in various places on the ball and allows for more flexibility in the drilling process. The simple “ house balls“ that bowling alleys carry for every day bowlers to use off the rack have a pancake weight block or no weight block at all and the process is 90% straightforward and easier as it’s just a simple solid pour and a clean up label and shine. Nice video as it brings back many memories of my pro shop in Alaska.
When I was a kid in 1980, I drilled bowling balls for a large retailer in St. Louis, Mo. . They came in without the finger holes and my job was to drill them out for the customer. There are quite a few ways to screw that up, but apparently, I was pretty good at it, because after a few months being there and doing it, ALL bowling balls were then done by me, when it was whoever was working at the time before that. You had the size of the holes, the space between them, and the angle at which they were drilled to account for. All variables that had to be perfect for a perfect feel. I enjoyed it.
Fascinating! I'm 74 years-old and have been bowling since I was about 10 years-old, and I had no idea this much work went into the creation of a bowling ball! I always knew about weight blocks and how they affected the ball, but this is really an eyeopener for me.
i could be sleeping but i have to know...
I loved all of the little 'modifications' the workers had done to the machines. the drip cups, the half a plastic bottle screwed onto the lathe tool, the tape over the polishing pads.
The most mind-blowing part to me is the combination of low and high-tech. They have a robot arms to lift and move the pressure vessels in one step, but the molds were first made, held together with binder clips that a person has to hand-clamp on and off!
Great video, no talking, no annoying music, very informative.
A very complex process. That weird, shaped center in the bowling ball is interesting. A lot of steps to get that ball made. Great video.
Wow I've always wanted to know how bowling balls were made and now I know. This is a cool and interesting process. I love to see how things are made and how things work.
Literally not one word is said, but it's the greatest video about how bowling balls are made. No talking. No music. Just art.
すげえ〜そうやって作ってるんだね。 ハウスボウルもこうやって工程してるのを見て分かりやすかったです。
This is fascinating. It feels like an odd mix of manual and automated processes.
I never thought this much effort went into making bowling balls
I did not know that for manufacturing bowling balls there are so many work steps necessary, thank you very much
Who ever owns this company has a lot of balls.