
Can't believe this album is 15 years old next month. And I'm still a fan. Long live the queen.


Who's listening 2024🎉🎉🎉


This was one of my favorite albums from Mary J. Blige ❤


Gonna breakthrough this corona virus! Thank you MJB! Listening while on quarantine.


Shoutout to the guy who wrote this he was on the “breakfast club” this morning… ok can’t say I listened too this jawn, and that’s my bad cause I lovesssss me SOME MARY


My favorite MJB albums are Share My World and the Breakthrough! They got me through alot! I cant sing but I can hum like a mother!  We as women can't hum along for forever. So singing along side MJB we do a great job!


Your Voice is out of this 🌎 💯


Breakthrough take ❤❤❤❤


PLAY IT LOUD :pride-heart-rainbow-philly::pride-heart-rainbow-philly::pride-heart-rainbow-philly:


I wrote the rap verse. Check the credits


❤🎉Qreen MARY j blige I love you forever God bless you be safe dear


The Coronavirus brought me here.


I alwayyyyyyyyyyyyyys restart this


God said break through


Ooooooooooo this my shit!


Aint no telling what we gonna do  but im gonna breakthrough  and take you to where it feels so good


I love her❤❤❤


This my favorite song on this album it makes me fill so good


My fav


Mary J is totally the best💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫