
Usually I hate sponsored videos but this one actually relates to your content. Great job at making it entertaining.


As a student, i always look up these hardware tips, so when i have the money i can make the best decision possible... Nice video!, straight to the point!, those PC specs are my dreams!


Awesome! This video couldn't have been better timed. For me it's the same story: mid-2014 MacBook, everywhere I've worked and everyone I've worked with has been on Macs too. I want to upgrade my hardware but everything is so pricey from Apple, especially compared to PC components in similar price ranges. I literally started research for a build last week and can't wait for it to come together. Thanks for the tips, Ben!


I've discovered your channel a month ago and I've learned so much since then with your videos and they are a huge inspiration to me. I am an intermediate animator and this summer I build my first dedicated PC with a little research here and there, and even though our builds are way too similar (which makes me happy because it seems I did a better job than I thought), what excites me the most is that it's that we have the same mouse ๐Ÿ˜‚. I bought it even though it is a little overpriced but it is just so comfortable. I'm glad to see the experts make the same decision.


You really have one of the most unique styles with your video work. I use After Effects myself for making my own audio visuals but this style, interacting with audio is an interesting idea. Especially on that trippy mushroom you made. Keep the content coming!


That is literally the dream laptop right there!!! I'm already searching the market for a camera tho and mine is still kicking but if I could I would get that laptop in a heartbeat it doesn't even matter if I'll have to switchback to windows (the nightmares from my monstrosity of a dinosaur previous pc still haunt me)


Loving the Haeckel prints behind your workspace.


Thank you so much for this ! I have been looking at new set ups as my MacBook Pro is getting on a little - that aero looks so cool


Get it Ben! I knew the setup tour would come anytime haha


I learn so much from your videos Ben!


I wish I came across this video before I bought a new laptop just for AE a few months ago. I now know what to invest in next time


Have a 2019 4 Thunderbolt MacBook Pro 13 inch with 16 GB RAM. 
Working pretty well.


Nice one Ben! I built my motion design rig about 6 months ago, and it's been a huge step up from the iMac I use at work (especially for 3D programs). I'm curious as to why you don't use the Aero as your main machine? It's specs are noticeably better than your rig's...


Thanks Ben! Please do a video about your AE setup? Panel layout and plugins etc.


Love your videos, somehow they are always just so easy to watch.


Sweet notebook dudeุŒi really love your style,it's like an improved version of classic network. What projects do you work on?


Congrats on your new sponsor!


Thanks Ben๐ŸŒŸ for your advice I really needed this information, Greetings! ๐Ÿ™Œ


I would never recommend 16-32gb of RAM for AE. It will preview only a few seconds. I have 128gb of RAM and even then AE will stop previewing in the middle of an animation. I do mess with many layers of EXRs, so it's a lot of space to consume, but yeah, I think we entered a time where professionals should start from 64gb RAM for AE, especially as 4k renders become more prominent.


Thanks for this. I have a 28-core mac pro and after effects is too slow!!