Brilliant to see what Charlie and Isabel have achieved at Knep. It takes real guts to break away from the expected norms of society. The UK is in the bottom 10% of the world for biodiversity. We have a long long way to go. We talk about Africa where grew up, I would encourage you to look at India and what they are doing with their wild spaces. They build natural around core areas where there is absolutely no human interference
Hugely inspiring project for me as a rural land manager, I absolutely love it and it’s a great testament to the positive outcome of letting nature take its course. I can’t wait to visit Knepp for ideas on how to take some of this forward on our estate here in Scotland.
This is so inspiring. I have a relative who is a PhD agriculturist who has been studying soil health for decades. Rewinding is probably the best thing many areas in our struggling world could use to lasting benefit. We all need a bit of the wild in our experience. This lifts my heart today with hope that we can start caring for our environment rather than destroying it.
It's great, a testament to hard work and simple, achievable ethics. Let Nature run and manage sensibly. Wild, natural Britain is the Britain we know and love best. It is truly as itself. ❤❤
Watching this over and over again and it's a constant source of rewilding hope and inspiration - thank you Kneppfolks ❤🙏🌏🌿
The beauty of it all is that human beings made this happen. Absolutely stunning. Knepp may be THE most profound rewilding effort of our time in terms of how it evolved into what it is today. Brilliant that they are now taking people on safaris; this spectacular project deserves ALL our support!
It shows what a change of thinking can achieve in a relatively short space of time. When you see the return and rapid increase of species such as Nightingale and Turtle Dove, you wonder what the large well known conservation bodies have been doing all these years, there must be millions of nature lovers like myself, who have never heard a nightingale or seen a turtle dove.
I'm not a conservationist by trade but I've been coming to Knepp for the last 5 years regularly. I love the environment there. It feels pure, peaceful and respectful. A healing environment for humans and wildlife. In the summer I regularly stay in the beautiful campsite, swim in the lake and get some delicious meat from the farm shop. Many thanks to all involved with the project! I hope you go from strength to strength and that other landowners follow your example!
How quickly the earth could recover. If only we would let it.
Beautiful and promising, this really should be used to educate the next generation and politicians
What you've achieved at Knepp is spectacularly impressive, and now I think a beacon of inspiration for many others the world over. Thank you, and long may it continue!
I saw Wilding at the cinema last night. Inspirational. What a great film.
So wonderful to see available shelter for the animals. ❤ it's all so beautiful..
Magnificent! Hugely inspiring project - let’s hope more estates follow suit 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Wow that is so inspiring and gives me back some hope for the future in poor nature-depleted UK.
It's an impressive turn around in wild life. It's not the only model for Rewilding and maybe more suited to the lowlands than the uplands. However, it's excellent work and so hope - filling. It might be as far into rewilding as the south of England could stomach, but we can do more. Best of luck to knepp. 💚🌳🐛
I’m heading up a Rewilding project at our local church and whilst it’s only going to be a small pocket of nature taking over we are encouraging local children’s groups to get involved making bug hotels and visit during the year to see how things change. Inspiring the next generation is wonderful and we hope they’ll take what they learn with them to expand the idea throughout their lives.
Great video - wonderful project
Take this short film to all the schools and colleges people have lost their way we humans to connect and be educated about all this. if you have not .