
I’m taking physics in the summer and I already have the physics playlist!!!! I will also study for the MCAT with you in hopes of taking it early next year. Thanks Chad.


Chad has been carrying me in physics and in chemistry, thanks Chad your work is very appreciated


32:55  Hi mister Chad, first of all thank you so much for all the amazing videos you make. It helps me so much! One quick question I had towards the resonance frequency, in the book that I have, it says that it’s just 1/sqrt(LC) . Is it okay to ignore the 2pi ? Or is there a reason why other professors don’t include that in the formula ?


go chaddy daddy go, your physics videos are where its at


Hi Chad, I just bought access to your Physics Master Course. I noticed that Chapter 19 videos and study guide has not been uploaded and Chapter 21 videos haven't been yet posted. I was wondering when these would get uploaded? I would like to follow along with my class. Thank you!!


Hey Chad, I see in your physics master course that chapters 21.3-21.6, 22.2-22.5, and 23.3-23.8 were all removed in your "Updated Physics Video Series" and in the course. Do you know why they are no longer taught in your new curriculum, and if you will make updated videos for those chapter sections, or will we have to only look back at your old videos?

Furthermore, do you know if you if it would be possible for you to cover Chapters 27 (Quantum Physics), Chapter 28 (Atomic Physics), and Chapter 29 (Nuclear Physics) in College Physics 2? Thank you so much in advance!


I love you Chad 😍


My brother is currently profesor in USA physics department


From Pakistan ur student for a 2 year or so


Love u from Pakistan


Bihar kis tarah dekha