3:45 The no-water curry relies heavily on the water content of the vegetables. I think the tomato there was too fresh, a over ripped tomato have more moisture which may work better
That Oreo is very diabolical. Other than that one the rest all look like a win for college rooms and or new less equipped kitchens.
😂😂 As an ethnic Korean who lives in Russia and has owned a rice cooker all my life I have two riсе cookers. In fact, in Russia they are called multicookers. And they are very popular Here. They cook yogurt, pastries, cereals, cook soups, bake muffins, steam. In fact, these are all the same rice cooker just with different temperature conditions and different cooking timers. To be honest, I don't know how to live without this thing
I did the oyakodon recently and you're spot on. The chicken needs to marinate for at least 10 mins. I did 30, and I added more hondashi, soy sauce, and sugar than the recipe called for because I like mine to really have that full flavor. It was spot on like I had made it on the stove. Worth it to toss it in and just walk away. There is another out there by JasmineandTea that uses oyster sauce, ginger, and soy sauce, and garlic. It's also very good and worth a try.
All these years of people gushing over the airfryer and like two videos of rice cooker recipes have me sold. I did not grown up with one and I don’t have one but this seems so much more accessible to me and fitting to my tastes in food. Love your videos!
The hello kitty rice cooker 🥹🩷
I'm absolutely going to make that hainanese chicken rice hack, omg
As someone who has more or less lived out of an Instant Pot and air fryer the past 4+ years. These are all great recipe ideas. They're so versatile!
I used to push the limit of my rice cooker back in the college. From just heating up water, making soup or instant noodle, frying egg and even baking a cake!
Singaporean here, love the shoutout! You can also try adding pandan leaves to your hainanese chicken rice to add the fragrance and herbs. May not be as readily available but may make your 70% satisfaction a little higher!
In 2010, Roger Ebert wrote and crowd-sourced "The Pot and How to Use It." It's a fun read with some trusted recipes. Love your channel. 🍲
I appreciate the commitment to the bite on the oreo one, the skepticism was obvious on your face, but not in the size of the spoonful lmao
I'm adding that Hainan chicken rice to my cherished recipes right up there with that buldak fire noodle chili oil hack you also introduced me to a little while ago. Thanks a bunch, Inga!
I've done the rice cooker pancake (cookercake?) with the easy-peasy "just add water/milk" pancake mix, left to cook overnight for the morning, and it was great. Just throwing it out there since it required actual zero effort, just mixed it in the cooker with no greasing, so it might be a better option for others who want to try. For reference, I used 1 cup of instant mix (Millville Buttermilk Pancake Mix from Aldi) plus the required liquid amount (I used whole milk) for a 6 cup Cuckoo rice cooker. Goes extremely well with a handful of chocolate chips thrown in too!
I love just sticking a tomato into my rice cooker! Sometimes I'll also add the whites of a green onion and some chili flakes if I want a bit more flavour. I also find this is a good use for sort of mealy winter tomatoes because it brings out the sweetness.
I had a $20-dollar small rice cooker, learned the tomato rice hack from my grandma and basically used that everyday when I need some veggies
Inga hear me out on this one... Bread in a rice cooker!! It works, i tried it and the recipe is in the manga "Yakitate!! Japan" (like chapter 11 or something, I would need to get the boxes with old manga out of storage to actually look for it). makes some really fluffy bread, similar to Ciabatta, but takes some time to proof. also another desert you can do in your rice cooker is coconut sticky rice with fresh fruit. other than that, i love that you included the rice + tomato recipe. I first learned it watching Strictly Dumpling years and years back and still love it to this day. especially paired with a nice egg drop soup. Thanks for keeping me company studying with your videos, you never fail to make me smile !
inga!! I'm currently sick & having a fever, and the rice cooker curry recipe was just what I needed! so easy to make, and the comfort food I needed during this tough time. thanks so much for helping me discover it 💕
As someone that doesn’t like cooking, I will absolutely be using these recipes. One of my favorites is rice cooker bibimbap!