
This movie was so disturbing. Not because it was gruesome, but Mia Goth's acting is so good that every time she started to scream or have a mental breakdown it gave me so much anxiety.


i personally love it when romantic/upbeat songs are used in horror movies, and having "i want to be loved by you" as the song choice for this one really elevated the trailer for me. the retro feel, the acting. it all just works.


The blood-curdling scream hidden underneath the rooster crow at 0:15 was a stroke of genius.


Mia should get an acting nomination. Even her facial expression at the ending credits is unnerving.
And most people forget/don't know, she also co-wrote this!


Mia Goth will give us such an amazing performance, that Oscars will definitely ignore her and snub her next year. Just like Toni Collete(Hereditary) , Florence Pugh(Midsommar) and Lupita Nyongo(Us).

Edit: I was right all along. As Chris Stuckmann has stated in his Pearl review, this one's actually an Oscar award worthy performance.


There’s truly something about Mia Goth as an actress that gives you the chills as soon as she appears on the screen. It’s that captivating aura of hers that draws you in almost instantly. We’re finally getting the grandma’s backstory. She used to have it all, but now it’s stripped away from her as she ages. Pearl is gonna be legendary when it comes out.


This randomly became one of my favorite films. X was a fun and scary good time but this prequel built a back story for a character who didn’t need one and yet it doesn’t at all diminish the horror of the original character. The juxtaposition of bright colors, expansive orchestration, and the violence of Pearl is incredible. This is cinema!


Mia Goth is so good in this movie it’s insane, this movie was brilliant. I wish the academy would recognize a performance like this because she’s completely deserving. I’m literally gonna buy it when it’s available because I loved it so much!


That retro style trailer itself is fantastic. Both this and Strange World are really pushing more retro style in their trailer. The movie itself looks great.


Mia's acting when she tells all to 'Mitsy' at the dining room is incredible.


If you notice at 0:15 you can hear Jenna Ortega's famous scream from X blended with the sound of the rooster. Its chilling and so creative.


It’s going to be fun seeing the parallels between Pearl and Max, and it could even be a look into what Max can become if she stays down this path. I think the X sequel is gonna be heavily psychological in tone because Pearl planted the seeds of them being alike.


Hopefully Mia Goth will finally get the recognition she deserves. It's about damn time!


Absolutely yes.


That one take confession scene that was like 7 minutes long, all dialogue, was some of the best acting I’ve ever seen


“I want to be loved by many people as possible. But truth is, I’m not really a good person.” The self reflection says a lot. I cannot wait for this as I loved emotional factor of X. Lowkey hope Landslide makes another appearance in this. Even if it is in the credits.


Definitely a modern classic, so glad I get to see this trilogy unfold in theaters. I've seen X countless times, and Pearl three already. This is certainly going to be an iconic trio for modern horror.


A24 just does horror different than any other studio. It's incredible


This movie was amazing! My favorite A24 film ever. It was so uncomfortable, unsettling, disgusting, and yet beautiful and speaks to those old and young. Shows the darkside of humanity and the slow process of going “insane, psycho”. Sensitive and yet so cold. Brutal and creepy. Art of one Shadow.


Mia Goth is mysterious. You just don't know if she's good or a bad person, that suits well with all her performance.