If he learns anything from his life review, it's likely to be the first thing he's ever learned.
Trump has no feelings while on Earth -but man, is he gonna feel it during the life review. It's either a lesson or a blessing - so I think he was a lesson in our lives to be better in many different ways.
David, your 2nd reading immediately brought to my mind the phrase "The last will come first; the first will come last". The Age of Pisces came in with a Nero and went out with a Trump. A tale of two so-called emperors.
Hey David, glad to see your sweet face. In my opinion, I'd say trump may be the best at manifesting of anyone I've met. Never give up, ramrod his opinion thru & never back up. He uses others to push it through, & doesnt appear to even notice those he has left as road kill. I know through to my bones that he's a bad guy. He also has no shame, no self awareness, no need for kindness given or taken, no logic or connected ties or companionship. I have felt pity for him but as he verbally trashed others, & set things in motion to hurt others over & over, my empathy was snuffed out. There is no doubt in MY MIND, that he cheated to win, that he set up the attempts on his life. He revealed the underbelly of political parties. He showed us the ugly in our world.
Wealth is not always about money. There is spiritual wealth, more valuable than gold.
My family is like this. They know the cost of everything and the value of nothing.
People appear in your life to teach you lessons. If you don’t get it the first time, other similar people will show up and the lesson begins again. I say this as someone who had to repeat it several times. It’s taken the past 8 years for me to stop gaslighting myself. Thanks David. ❤
Both you and the cards were spot on . Very insightful. Actually, hopeful.
I'm pretty tired of being forced to suffer through the learning curve of people who seemingly can't learn. When the bell curve becomes circular, how do we ever get out of it?
:face-blue-smiling::face-blue-smiling: I just finished my breakfast and to think Orange Elephant unites people WAS HARD to digest... But yes, he has united us in several ways ... he really has a dark twisted outlook... Dark times are here in so many ways.. Most Americans have no idea how good " they had it " as they now will do without those comforts....... American's since the 1980's started to worship $$$$$$ again.. Great reading David..... enjoy your day,
It was interesting this week on Mary Trump Media when one of her viewers asked her about Trump’s mannerisms re how he turns his head and juts his chin out …. Mary commented that his mother had the exact mannerisms. She commented how unsettling it is seeing it because she watched her grandmother doing that regularly. 💙🇨🇦
He brought out into the open racism and brought out into the open what some people think about women brought us back to the 1950 s
Life Review: you get to FEEL ALL the pain you have ever inflicted, so I see utter PAIN for him!!
Hi, David. Whenever I am feeling low and need a spiritual pick-me-up, I watch one of your videos on YouTube. You have a calming voice. Thank you for the work you do.
I would NOT want to be 45 to have to answer for all his many doings.....
You are so right, David, about this country’s worship of wealth and fame.
Money is the root of all evil. The more you have the more you want. He has divided people . He is a power freak . Great reading .
When will his time pass? Sooooon I Hope!
He would have noooo idea what it is like to struggle! Nooo understanding of empathy! $$$$only! - He wants to cause as much CHAOS as possible! Thank you David❤❤❤❤. Steph, Australia.