
Much more clear explanation than 4 of the instructors in my college. They left me confused even after 1 month since semester started, as much as they mixed things together. Thumbs up for this tutorial.


this video is a life saver! i finally get it


1.400000 would have 7 significant figures.  however, the number I was talking about was 1,400,000 which could have different numbers of significant figures depending on which zeros were significant.  that's why it's helpful to use scientific notation to clarify.


ty so much chem solution!!!! i love u guys!!


depends on what rules you use for rounding...you could round up to 4.5 and that would be fine too.


I quite don't get why you did 440000 or 4.4 x 10^5 not 4450000? I know you can only have 2 sigfigs in your answer because of 24 but don't you have to round up?


WOW I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THIS MUMBO JUMBO!!! lol... Thanks for this GREAT video!!!! 


I don't think this is right, 1.400000, no matter how many different combinations you write it in scientific notation, Is it 1.400000 with 7 significant digits. I could be wrong. Though if I am right this video will give not wrong information, and ultimitly confuse a person when he/she learns it the right way after watching this video...


thank you, im sure youre an attractive person with such a beautiful voice :)