
I was homeless, addicted to drugs, and even went to prison. But it was in prison that I found God. He completely changed my life. Now I have a home, a husband, a beautiful 1-year-old daughter named Jessica, and a stream of income that earns me $54,000 monthly. Plus, I have a new identity as a child of God. Hallelujah!!!🇺🇸❣️❤️❤️


Sooo sooo terribly sorry for being disobedient Father God ! Pls heal my heart and and give me focus🙏🏾


Today I decided to leave my distractions. From now on, I will focus on God. Pray for me so I can encounter His vision for me.


Sermon Notes
Transformation Church
Pastor Mike Todd
Title:  Your Distraction is Playing You
Series: Death to Distractions - The Faith to Focus

Key Scriptures (NLT)
	•	Hebrews 12:1-2 – Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes (FOCUS) on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.
	•	Judges 16:17-22 – The story of Samson and Delilah—how distractions led to his downfall.
	•	Judges 16:28-30 – Samson’s redemption and final act of faith.


God is Requiring Our Focus
	•	God is calling us to focus on Him so we can properly prioritize our lives.
	•	Distraction is a destiny killer—what you focus on determines where you go.
	•	When we stay focused on God, He provides instruction and leads us to our destination.


Your Distraction is a Disguise
	•	Distractions appear harmless but are designed to steal your power.
	•	A distraction can be so deeply ingrained in your life that it becomes part of your character.
	•	Anything used in an abnormal way is abuse—your distraction is abusing you.
	•	Judges 16:17-22 – Delilah lulled Samson to sleep and had his hair cut, stripping him of his strength.
	•	Your distractions are not just after your life—they are after your vision.


Six Exits of Distraction

1. Neutral – Discovered
	•	Every distraction starts off neutral.
	•	It seems small, insignificant, or harmless at first.
	•	The best time to exit the highway to destruction is the moment you notice the distraction.
	•	The first look isn’t the issue—it’s the second look.
	•	Ask yourself: What am I looking at too long?


2. Nurtured – Developed
	•	Once a distraction moves from neutral, it begins to grow.
	•	What you nurture, you feed.
	•	Feeding distractions develops them into strongholds in our lives.
	•	What small habits are you feeding that are leading you away from God?


3. Natural – Desensitized
	•	When a distraction becomes natural, you no longer recognize it as a problem.
	•	The Holy Spirit is speaking, but distractions make you numb to His voice.
	•	Desensitization leads to covert destruction—sin no longer feels wrong.
	•	What distractions have you normalized in your life?


4. Nap – Detached
	•	Judges 16:19 – Samson fell asleep in Delilah’s lap—his distraction had made him powerless.
	•	Distractions put you to sleep spiritually and detach you from God’s purpose.
	•	Are you spiritually asleep?
	•	Are you laying in the lap of something that is stealing your power?
	•	The first cut is the deepest. The enemy starts with small compromises before taking everything.


5. Nix – Dark
	•	Judges 16:21 – The Philistines gouged out Samson’s eyes—his distraction cost him his vision.
	•	Distractions steal vision, clarity, and purpose.
	•	Your distraction wants you to live in the dark but still be seen.
	•	Some people appear functional but are still bound by distraction.


6. Nuclear – Death
	•	If distraction is not dealt with, it leads to total destruction.
	•	Many spiritually die because they refuse to leave the cycle of distraction.
	•	The enemy’s goal is not just to delay you—it’s to destroy you.


Focus After the Failure
	•	Judges 16:22 – Samson’s hair began to grow back.
	•	Even after distraction, faith, confidence, and integrity can be restored.
	•	Judges 16:28-30 – Samson turned to God and still fulfilled his purpose.
	•	Your story isn’t over after distraction—God can still use you!


Final Prayer

“Lord, I surrender my distractions to You. Open my eyes to what is stealing my focus and give me the strength to walk away. Help me let go of anything keeping me bound and trust Your process, even when it’s uncomfortable. Restore my faith, renew my vision, and realign my heart with Your purpose. Thank You that my story isn’t over—You are still working in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Glory!!! After so much struggles I now own a new house with an influx of $255,000.00 every month God has kept to his words, my family is happy again everything is finally falling into place. God bless America.


Dear Pastor Michael Todd,

I am listening to your sermons for the last 3 months and I would just like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, You see it seems like every part of my life everything is going wrong, work environment, my relationship and my finances, I have debt for more then R300,000.00  and I have debtors calling me every hour asking for money, I don't even answer my phone anymore, I felt I had nowhere to run, sometimes it felt like I couldn't breath. But since I started watching your sermons I feel closer to God and I have conversations with God to be with me in every part of my life and the pains and stress is much easier and I can see there is light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you so much for the work you do for God.

Believe and Love always


I’m soooooo proud of Pastor Mike and This Church. “Relationship Goals” the MOVIE? Is iconic!


Praying for my son that God opens doors for college and where he goes he finds a church and keeps going and to always but God in first place




What a beautiful series it has been we bless God for you Pastor Michael Todd and your ministry and all that God is doing through it. What an honest conversation to have with God's people, the rawness of the truth is what we need all the time to put us back in realignment with God's Word and His Character. God has truly used this ministry to impact my life and for that I'm grateful. May God continue to bless and protect everyone's marriage, children and ministry.

Love always wins.


Thank you for your message. It speaks loud and clear to my journey. I'm already given up my distractions as I fast for Ramadan. Thank you for the divine confirmation.


please pray for healing for my teenage nephew Brendan in goose creek, SC who is stuck in a home of addiction and I was unable to rescue him from as his Aunt; I tried to rescue my late brothers son and was wrongfully arrested in the process I had to return to Atascadero CA but Pray for his peace and provision <3 His Joy and Salvation May he know he is not alone and God is with him and may he be protected from all evil  in Jesus Name Amen


That trigger is the gateway to what you need to go to God with/about…. Look within and be honest w/self!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 message!!!!!!!


Amen and Amen.  
Death to Distraction has taught me many things that I can Turn to Jesus and avoid distraction, For the 8 weeks preaching is a chance am awarded to focus on Jesus, Amen.


Please lift me in prayer I was told by god that he had something amazing for me when I put the cigarettes down, that was 15 years ago. He showed me my businesses many years before that but fear and doubt have been crushing my faith so much I quit trying for years at a time. I’m trying again this time with more faith yet I know the cigarettes and fear are what’s blocking it. Please pray I’m delivered quickly


This man is teaching! This is so practical with heavy spiritual implications.


The amount of Focus Pastor Charles has to continue to pray after that loud shout. Lord I pray that you continue to guide & renew power and authority to the leaders of this church. Amen


Your sermons always make me cry the most 😭 I have to leave them for a time I can really give my extra time 😢☠️🌵no fair I think I low key avoid them because I know they’ll be so targeted 🎯🥹😩😤


Praise Hod for this word 
I’ve been so distracted 
I just Told myself I have to get back on track so this word conformation for me that I’m on the right track


GOD delivered be out of an abusive relationship, mentally and emotionally. I pray GOD gives anyone strength and courage. According to Ephesians 3:20 GOD would supply yours needs according to his riches and glory. Remember Psalm 23 and  Psalm 121. The Lord will providee