
stella’s high notes are so heavenly 😭


Stella truly showed off her vocal ability in this performance
Renèe with her soft yet smooth tones and Jorja’s vocals are never lackluster
The harmonization ALWAYS EATS. Another beautiful performance. FLO is COMING


The way they make live versions even BETTER than the studio versions. Only pure talented artists can do this. 10/10


Jorja’s run are insane!!! She has so much soul.
Renee’s tone is so beautiful and is really the foundation of their harmonies.
Stella’s stage presence is off the charts!! Her highs are crazy 😮‍💨


So happy Renee got to shine. Stella’s vocals are beautiful, and Jorja did her thing. Love it here.


Ms Renee with that second verse and that low point of her voice is everything. Being the alto of ANY group is still work babe!!


They blend so seamlessly omg


Renee's "thoughts alive" does it everytime 😭 and I loved the harmony moment Renee and Jorja had.


Stellas high note, Renée and Jorjas lil harmony together and the harmony towards the end….everything just felt like butter…THEY DID THAT👏🏾


WHY ARE THESE LIVE VERSIONS NOT AVAILABLE ON STREAMING PLATFORMS?!? We need this as an extended album tbh i've been abusing the replay button here.


One thing about FLO, their vocals and Harmonies would forever be iconic. They always eat.


I felt like Stella’s vocals shined the most in this performance. They all did amazing. I want this version on streaming platforms ASAP!!!


The key to success is CONSISTENCY and with them consistently slaying like this it’s only right for them to get the love that they deserve!


Renee's lows, Stella's highs, Jorja's riffs and runs, the group's harmony!! It's all like honey for my ears and I'm obsessed!!!


This arrangement is so good!! I can’t wait to see them on tiny desk one day. Their careers are going to be so legendary sheesh


Renee really did her shit in this performance 😍 her tone so damn pretty and sometimes it’s hard always being the base for harmonies and still being fluid vocally for solos. I’m so proud of her 🤍




This song is like honey to my ears.


Renee getting more confident in her vocals . They are all so talented yessss


Came here after the debut album and i literally got so emotional because the way i truly watched them grow since this video dropped out 🥺🥺🥺