
No parents from birth to raise me but now I'm a doctor. Who knew the awesome plan of God. Never, ever give up on God is what He taught me throughout my journey. We all stand in the gap for each other.


Would anyone who sees this mind please praying for my daughter & I. I'm down on my knees right now praying for the healing of beautiful girls mind. We have both been thru so much & she is struggling with anxiety depression disasociative disorder DID (apologies for my spelling). She has no support aside from me & lives over two hours away but I have no transport or money to help her. I'm taking a bus to spend two weeks with her tomorrow & just need as many people as possible to be praying for us. I want to teach her about God's love because I didn't do that when she was growing up as I was battling addiction C-PTSD anxiety depression etc but I'm doing everything I can to change & just need a little support wherever I can get it. THANKU in advance to anyone who helps us with prayer because I'm so worried for baby girl...she's 22 now but still my baby & I can't bear the hurt she's feeling its more than I can cope with alone. 🙏🙏🙏 Please Lord Jesus bring healing & blessings into our lives now & protect us from any darkness trying to hurt & discourage us, please Lord Jesus cut off any demonic ties that come from the past, I pray that you will cut off all spirits that have come down the line AMEN.🕊️


I have a testimony for those who faced depression, i had faced this last year I thought i was going to die, my heart beated so fast I didn't sleep, I was always thinking that something bad will happen to me.  But today I can tell you that the ONE AND ONLY PERSON WHO SAVED me is JESUS CHRIST. I never stop praying


I'm 22 years old and I was forgeting about God... that's why something bad happened to me. But then i got healed. I opened my heart and eyes to the Lord God. Embracing his love for me. And I believe nothing bad will ever happen to me because i got Our Father, Son of God and the Holy Spirit with me. Only God can save me. I give him my life and soul. I'll continue to have faith in You Lord. I love You like how you Love me. I thank You how you sacrificed Yourself on the cross. Thank You Lord.


God loves you so much, He wants to be so real in your life. He doesn’t care about your brokenness, he doesn’t care about all the mistakes and all. He sees you, right here and right now. He hears you and He is asking to be real if only you allow Him. Is not going to be an easy process but He says “Son, Daughter: this time around you are not a lone. I am with you every step of the way, like a footprint in the sand. We walk together, journey together. You wont fight anymore. I will do the heavy lifting. Just stay with me. Stay with Me!”


To you reading this
by the time you finish to listen to this video's


يا علي يا عظيم يا جميل يا كبير يا جليل يا نور يا بهي يا ذا الجلال والإكرام...❤


These sounds are an Instant connection to the throne room of heaven.


Worship His Majesty unto Jesus be all Glory Honor and Praise....


I have to tell you an experience I've just had with God. I'm from Brazil and I like to sleep with relaxing music specially, worships. It's  04 a.m. here now, and I'be just woke up from a bad dream, but it was God telling me to stop drinking alcohol and sinning. I am thankful for this worship cause I am sure that through it God spoke to me 😭😭😭😭




To Yahoshua Hamachiach be all glory praise worship power forever and ever amen


Jesus you are our Hope. May we press on


Wonderful- Maravilloso 🙏❤️✝️


I came across this just now while looking for a sound to pray with, this is so powerful! It is without a doubt that you are playing with the help of the Holy Spirit, it is so heavenly! Praise be to Jesus! May GOD bless you and grant you strength to continue serving Him.


tres magnifique Melodie  et  tres charismatique  svp  Merci


God bless you all. We meet til the end, to God be the glory.


long time i was searching for this to pray instrumental without piano and this came up 😭 i feel in heaven


Waldner, there is something particular about this Majesty Instrumental that's so uniquely different. Oh!!!!!! God is so Beautiful indeed. Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit in this area