
Glad to know that Taylor is doing well. Get well and heal  soon, Taylor🤗🤗. Not a matter of changing name, we always you know that is you. Big hugs for the beautiful baby.💕🤗


I know much this has been a stress to you. With everything else you have going on in life this is one stress you just don't need. Glad to see you come to a resolution. Also glad to hear Taylor is doing well. Much love to you both 💚💜


Sending lots of prayers, hugs and love to Taylor n the beautiful baby your way. ❤🙏❤️


Sending you all love. Glad Taylor is healing and that you all have the time you need to support that. ❤ Whatever the channel name, we know who you are. I hope the switch back helps people find you again.


Happy to hear Taylor is well and healing.  You will have me as a subscriber whether you posting everyday or once a month. Family is important and I respect that. Wishing Taylor a speedy recovery … I will wait in anticipation, for as long as it takes, for your next reaction video.  You are all in my prayers


Glad to hear Taylor is doing well. All the best to the whole family. I hope that changing your channel name again will help get more views.


Glad to hear that taylor and the baby are doing well, and you too. Whatever you name the channel i hope it will favour any good things for all of you, for all of us too.


i will absolutely be here regardless of regularity. family must always come first. wishing you nothing but the best, much love to you all🙂🙂🙂


Speedy recovery to Taylor❤❤❤


Semoga semua cepat baik baik kembali. Get well soon for Taylor & your baby.... Aamiin...


Thanks for an update, I wish you all good health :)


❤take good care you guys.


You two are great together, glad Taylor is doing well. That’s hard, new baby, surgery… dang !! I found you two when you did a Dimash reaction, going to stay as you kids are awesome reactors ! I’m a mom of 9, grandmother of 26 & great grandmother of 6. Life is a magnificent trip, you’ll do great !


I hope she heals fast. ❤


Wishing a Taylor a swift (no pun intended😊) and uneventful recovery.
Thank you for the update.
Look forward to seeing more new critiques and comments.
Best wishes going forward.


Prayers for Taylor and Love to both and baby , yes I was one of the ones did not know of the name change lost you all ,,,, you take care of yourself and we will be here when you can


First Gonna Pray for Queen 👑 Taylor to be Heal and Healthy n the Baby 💞🍼 too...n Hope for your channel be flourish...🫰💯☝️


Does she have a drain in her side? When I got mine removed they had to do 6 cuts because it was infected. The first couple of weeks sucks, take care of her!


you killed her channel changing her name bro she worked hard for this :( I hope she can make a comeback


Good to hear Taylor is doing well.  
I would like your  family to start the day with
Creepy Nuts - Bling‐Bang‐Bang‐Born / THE FIRST TAKE