
Poles aint wiped that smile off since Ben walked in his life 😂.



Exactly it shouldnt be easy we got a hell of a coach! The mindset shift is great


The “it shouldn’t be easy” response at 8:30 ish mark should give every Bears fan excitement and hope. Even Poles smiled from Ben’s answer. Need to see the wins but the mentality is there 😤🐻⬇️


Never saw Poles smile so much. We got a head coach.


Bears logo is just so much better now


I like Ben's energy so far.


Ben smiling at the beginning makes my day😂😂


Ryan at 8:48 said all I needed to hear with that smile


Poles cheesing when he was talking bout making it easier killed me😂


Yoooo! The pass pro talk by Ben about Dalman was pure poetry.


Cant wait to see Ben on the field with a headset & wearing BEARS gear talking to Caleb Williams.  The new additions with the free agency too, whoa guys,  exciting to see the preseason games!!  Lets goooooo 🐻⬇️ 3:16


What I'm witnessing is a Colaberative Effort with Coach and GM Ryan Poles Has Learned a Lot in his First few Yrs on the job I think we'll see a Better Quality of Play This Year Going Forward . BEAR DOWN 🐻


Cryogenically freeze me, and wake me up in September. 🐻⬇️


Coach Johnson is going to have Caleb playing like an MVP


I love my coach man!!


They fixed the mics 🙌


Mannn this guy is going to work these players hard. Hell yea, bear down


The double grin 9:15 😂😅


The trenches have been the core of winning in the Nfl for decades. Few teams make it a priority or draft them correctly.


Bens smile is so tuff