When you said ‘we’re on our holidays’ and Alfie replied with ‘oooo!’. I know it’s probably just baby noises, but that was adorable🥹😂
It's crazy to see how much Alfie and Ada have grown up in just 3 months!! they look like such babies in this video!
Awwwww this was soooo gooood… what beautiful children so lucky to be growing up together and wow how beautiful is Seahouses.. I’ve never heard of it.. I LOVE a castle …. I work in education and Lydia is exactly how we are when with Children on a school trip 😂.. enthusiasm in abundance ❤
That was so fun!! Someday.....I will get to the UK!! And go castle surfing. I absolutely love castles. The history, the spirits!! Can't wait to see what's next ❤❤
Oh my god, squad goals. When jack asked if you were ok when you banged your head ❤❤❤❤
SO adorable. Good to see you all had a wonderful time and enjoyed your self. What a blessing.❤️🙌
Love your channel, Lydia! Watching this made me think of Efteling in Holland. You would absolutely LOVE that amusementspark! It has a fairytale forest.
The bridge bit was too funny couldn’t stop laughing 🤣. Really enjoyed the holiday vlog and can’t wait for the Disney one
That looked like such a fun weekend holiday. They do grow up so fast. Thank you for the little tour. I love seeing different parts of the country. The kids look like they had a blast especially Jack.
Just got home from work & out of the shower & what a way to start my evening of rest but a vlog from the legends that are Lydia & Alfredo!
Another brilliant vlog, so lovely to watch a great bunch of friends enjoying their babies ❤ x
That was hilarious when your friend was up on the bridge and Jack was already down again. Needed that laugh today. 😂
Them kids are one in a million. Great parents ... Remember Alfies photo shoot on the beach just around the corner from where you live Tom said. This vlog was amazing. Thank you Lydia and girls. xx
Oh wow that was a beautiful vlog Lydia you should be so proud of yourself, you girls Jack and the babies looked like you enjoyed every moment making wonderful memories well done xxx
It looks like you ladies had a brilliant time and so did the babies and Jack,they will all grow up together and be friends for life. Great vlog Lydia,can’t wait for the Disney vlog.xx👏
It's amazing how much the kids have grown in 3 months! This looks like such a fun adventure. As a fellow Harry Potter lover, I'm a little jealous! Thank you for sharing your adventure so we can live vicariously through you <3
Thank you for sharing your adventures & Lovely Friends with us. You’re doing really well with your vlogs, keep up the Good work💐🤗
This is the best Wednesday treat 🩷🩷🩷 you’re amazing Lydia ! Keep blessing us with positive and actual positive female energy 🩷
Perfect timing your vlog and then Toms you are a great vloger it feels so real seeing Alfie before he turned 1 he’s grown up so fast 🥹🩷🩵