
Ironically Asmongold defended Ciri's change, which is hilarious when he gets attacked for attacking her look.


Everyone who played witcher 3 knew that she will be main character, and for her looks, it is important to say that this is not in game, Geralt looked in the trailers for witcher 3 diffrent then in the game


Bro she looks good, I'm not seeing where they are getting at with her not being hot.

Like she age like wine.


I very much expected Ciri to be the next main character but as for her looks, she looks older than Yennefer and Triss.


Bad example using Asmongold, he has the same take as you and doesnt care about anything except if the game is good haha


Asmond actually said he thinks they're wrong and she is hot also obviously she was gonna be taking over the franchise 😂😂


Personally speaking I’m super excited and I watch a lot of the gaming news channels and to be fair, it’s not canon to the books! She looks GORGEOUS, and I can’t wait to see what happens, but I do have my concerns due to the news I’ve read about CDPR, but I’m excited and can’t wait!!!


One could argue you are one of the worst parts of the internet


The things you said are the parts of the extreme right wings who see women only for sex, but you didn't bring up the more common take I've seen where. People are upset because she is a Witcher which is something no grown adult can become one (only young boys can become Witchers.) And goes against what Geralt fight for. Not wanting her to be a Witcher because of the danger. Most fans don't care that she is the protag, but brokering the lore and spitting in the face of Geralt story isn't what they want. Personally thing, she didn't need to be a Witcher. She had elder blood in her and has the power to rip the universe apart, so she could have just learned to control her power better and use them in different ways. Making her a Witcher makes her less special as a character. She was a badass already and ciri didn't need to become a Witcher.


Its kinda funny because asmon has 2 videos out where he talks about how much he likes the Witcher 4 ciri. Not sure why ppl keep milking misinformation for clicks and views.


Tell me you didn't watch a single asmongold video without telling me. The dude is literally defending Ciri as the protagonist of witcher 4.


🤔 not purely logical intellectually honest to call anyone a "incel" just because you don't agree with them politically


Dude took the vast minority's critic and ran with it as if it's the mainstream lol

Calm yo ass mate, ain't nobody but a couple of people that are saying she's ugly

Most of the complains i heard are about how a non witcher is a witcher in this game 

How only young boys can survive the witcher mutation (even then it's rare) 

How she's now the very thing her adoptive parents didn't want for her 

How her own power is waaaaay above a witcher so why the hell would she become one, it's not a job title, it's an identity 

And how people are afraid she'll be just a genderbent geralt 

Why are you zooming in on the minor criticism of the witcher 4?


Okay first off dude has been jealous of asmon for a while
Second asmon doesn’t even care about her looks
3rd dude doesn’t know that behind the scenes CFP RED has became super woke


You can tell this guy voted for kamala Harris


Thank you for bringing facts to the conversation 🫡


I just miss Geralt


I never seen this as a problem they said we would be ciri in 4 right after 3 came out


From what I know some people are just aggravated about their favorite protagonist no longer being in the Limelight


The whole looks and main character is odd I've seen some say stuff about her lookks but not many (I as well didn't see it being bad just she's a bit older and the lightening probably doesn't help) and she was set up to be the MC and was in the book if I remember right so those aren't the problem 

I think most of the problems from her being a Witcher and what that means 

To be simple women can't be Witchers because they can't handle what it takes to be one hell most men don't and it leaves you messed up 

As well as she's being made weaker and less interesting since she didn't need to he a Witcher she was cool and had amazing powers 

Why make her a basic Witcher other than that the makers just wanted a female Geralt 

I believe that's the bigger reason but for those who just focused on the looks and main character status yeah it's bad but that's just the problem for like 10% of people most just wanted Ciri as she was and not break the rules of the world 

For example imagine Naruto as he was with his goal and powers then at the start of Shippden he lost it all and became a basic town guard or saying hey we can just remove a Biju from someone and they don't die even tho that's how it works and it makes no sense to just simply remove one and nothing is wrong like removing a splinter