Finally someone talking about 12 for more than 30 minutes, a real retrospective
What defines XII to me is the world. It's so insanely rich, full of things, stories, enemies, treasures, locations. After hundreds of hours and finally, seemingly, having completed everything, I still managed to find a random "oh yeah, prevent end of the world in a new location" before I finally for realz completed the game. It was like 1000 hours of pure joy, this game.
Legit my favorite Final Fantasy, and probably RPG ever. Just hearing anyone talk about it fills me with nostalgia. And tempts me to drop everything else gaming wise, for another playthrough.
I love this game so much. Easily my favorite FF. I remember my memory card had a save with like 800 hours? It wasn’t quite to 999 but it was up there. I would leave my PlayStation on just to fall asleep to Eruyt Village and Rabanastre themes. And that Chocobo Theme? *chef’s kiss* Such fond memories of first stepping into the Estersand and seeing all the cute little cactoids and wolves, and that hunt for the adorable as heck Nightshade little tomato-gremlin. And then walking up to the giant Dino just minding its own business and me going “hm, I wonder if I should fight you? —NOPE BAD IDEA!” That same save that has stupid amount of hours on it was also 98-99% complete. One reason I never got 100%; fuck that invisible gigantoad hunt in Golmore Jungle. That was the last hunt I needed to complete everything, (apart from the zodiac spear(( I have no willpower and the idea of not opening certain chests in order to get a really cool weapon is incomprehensible to my adhd soul.)) and no matter how I tried, what I did, or what god I pleaded to, I could not get the ‘cast reflect on yourself and party to bounce it off of the INVISIBLE GIGANTOAD to make that amphibious bastard targetable’ gimmick to work and… This many years later I’m still bitter about it. Oh and the crystal section of Giruvegan can eat my entire Ashe.
Final Fantasy XII is criminally underappreciated. I replayed it a few months ago and it still holds up incredibly well. The level of AI customization alone is enough to make it genuinely special. It's shocking that this hasn't really been replicated since.
I love it when people discuss ffxii, it's a work of art, it was my first time looking for a guide online on how to beat certain side quests. I understand you didn't have the patience to kill yiazmat the only reason i could it was because it was summer and i was 13 years old. And i still remember shouting FINALLY... My biggest grudge was that after all that i never could beat omega weapon so i never could obtain the final sword 😢
31:38 I totally forgot how sick the dialogue was in this game! All the voice acting was awesome too.
I am one of the people that love the Gambit system it was a lot of fun. For 30m boss I remember sitting my gambits and taking a shower then i went for groceries and when I came back is HP was in the last million point, the victory was delicious it was one of my favourite gaming moments alongside killing the final boss with one hit in tens how.
IMO FFXII has the largest world and most diverse biomes. The "Zone" system does wonders for this game. Each zone is packed with things to look or and do, and it's not just a "walking simulator" like these open world games are. There is so much content, from side quests, to hunts to a great loot system and really great themes along with political world building with a mix of fantasy there. I absolutely love the species and races in this game and how they are just regular citizens in the game. Moogles, Baangas, Seeqs, Veiras! Why did FF move away from their diverse races? It bugs me so much that newer games are so dark and dull and barely shows these creative races. IMO FFXII was what I imagined living in that kind of world to be. I just wish they continued with this path and structure, with newer releases. Complex stories, every character is relevant, diverse biomes and worlds. The only con I can really say this game lacked was the techniques were really put on the back end. They were really underpowered compared to the magick counterpart.
I bursted out laughing when vayne said "dont call me your excellence... call me vayne"
Excellent video! The vanilla version of this game is what I prefer. Mainly because I can combine white and black magic skills and make my character whatever I want. Also the loading areas between areas reminds me of Ocarina of Time. The game kind of reminds me of Twilight Princess in some way, just slower and with a party.
actually lol'ed at the "dramatic reenactment of knocking over stuff in your room" part. excited for this ride.
I thank you for this, XII is my childhood, didnt understand gambits back then so I did everything manually, coming back to zodiac age and unlocking gambits showed me the chess like nature being implemented in real time!
Gotta start a series where you delve into landmark games that you have not played. Your down to earth brand of commentary combined with fresh discoveries will be a hit. Anyway, this is my second favorite FF after FF9.
4:09 1, Tactics, 7, 10, 12 are my top 5. Games that fundamentally changed the way I viewed video games.
Lovely to see FFXII content around. I've been playing this one again after many years. This game is so beautiful and yet so quirky, thank you for the video!
1:38 I was at a very good time in my life when FFX released and the soundtrack and overall aesthetic of Spira will forever be near and dear to my heart. I was 20 years old working my first ever job at a movie theater that was more like getting paid to hang out with my friends, friends that I am close with even to this day. We had planned a camping trip to middle of nowhere to these sand dunes far away from civilization out in the desert somewhat near Las Vegas. I remember I had made it all the way to Thunder Plains in FFX right before leaving on the trip. I had a wonderful time on the trip and all the while I was thinking about FFX and how being in the middle of nowhere kinda felt like being on an epic journey like in all Final Fantasy games. Any time I think of FFX or that trip I always associate them together in my mind. Some of my fondest memories. I'm rambling though. Basically I'm saying the music, art and aesthetics of Final Fantasy are always associated with great memories for me.
It's crazy that even with how much you've brought up in this video, it still doesn't even mention rare hunts which add even more variety to the gameplay/treasure hunting experience! I friggin love this game, and you've made an enjoyable script to relax and listen to for a while so that's an easy subscribe!
Oh my God, I wasn’t expecting you to tackle FF, let alone XII which is my favorite. This is going to be so good.