
I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (my dad was my abuser, even while he served in high church callings). Things are more resolved now (I told my mom when I was iny 20's and she went straight to the stake president, who told my dad to turn himself in to the police station and also my dad lost his church membership pretty much immediately. But I have still felt troubled about ways I thought things could have been handled earlier--prior to telling my mom, I had told three different bishops what my dad did and not much happened. I have always believed in the restored gospel and church but felt so much trauma and difficulty trusting church authority figures. Hearing this interview was hugely important and faith-building for me. Thank you SO much.


This popped up in my feed and i watched it again. Very powerful witness of Jennifer Roach. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your experiences. Ive experienced abuse and my mother is a convert as well as my paternal grandmother. Both were Presbyterian who left protestantism to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I appreciate your example and faith. I relate with your experiences and i love my membership in the church. Thank you Stephen Jones. I love your interviews.


I appreciate the sensitivity of this topic and understand it can be triggering. I’ve shared my thoughts to contribute positively to this discussion. Let’s approach Jennifer’s story with kindness and respect in our comments. Open, honest discussions and questions are always welcome here.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by abuse. In these challenging times, let's offer comfort and stand as pillars of support, embodying the spirit of compassion in our actions. I find solace in my faith in Jesus Christ and in the words from Revelation 21:3-4, reminding us of hope and healing in times of sorrow.

“And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”


I’ve never seen her before! She’s amazing! She and David Alexander are absolutely a miracle!


What she is saying about abuse and figuring out how to tell people is spot on. She is a great advocate! Great interview and thanks for bringing this to light!


This interview was so enlightening for a life member. I applaud her for using a traumatizing experience to help others and do some amazing honest research. The idea of all of these predators in the church has often bothered me and it was comforting to hear something more than an amplified rumor. We are blessed to have her join our church. What a strong amazing woman.


Thanks for this measured approach in discussing a very sensitive topic.


100% have never thought about ward boundaries that way 🤯


Jennifer is awesome and I would volunteer to be president of her fan club. The church also started putting windows in the doors of the classroom and a couple years ago leaders couldn’t be one on one driving children to or from activities. They have put so many things in place and decades ago before this was at the forefront. That is a church that cares about children.


I was a mandated reporter when I worked in healthcare in California. Honestly I never heard anyone say that we should hesitate to push mandated reporting because it could increase caseloads too much, etc.. That part seriously disturbed me. 
I liked the safeguards that the church does have in place that were highlighted. Boundaries--good point. But I don't think it hurts to examine ourselves from time to time and see where we can improve. Mistakes have been made.


Jennifer is on the cutting edge of understanding and dealing with child abuse! I wish every parent and youth leader could see this video!!! Thank you Jennifer!!!


Thank you sister Roach for sharing your conversion story!!! Thank you for your kind and understanding demeanor in discussing such a hurtful topic. ❣️And so thankful for your testimony, and understanding how the church members are not perfect.


WOW, Jennifer’s testimony is amazing, and her sharing of her profound knowledge and expertise in the area of child abuse was so very helpful and insightful. Great podcast Stephen


Such an amazing story of strength and faith, and such a small world we live in! A little while in I realized that she and I were investigating the church at the exact same time not that far from each other! I was just out of high school at the time and had a lot of friends who were members of the church who had such a profound impact on me. I was invited to a Book of Mormon play at a local stake center and that started it all for me and my love for the Book of Mormon and all scriptures we have for that matter. I was even there at SafeCo field to see the prophet for the first time ever. That event helped me gain a testimony of prophets and apostles that I still have today. I will never forget the tens of thousands of saints singing “We thank thee o God for a prophet”, it still brings me to tears just thinking about it. The Gospel is alive and well in Washington.


On the discernment question, I'd like to add a little more to what Jennifer shared. In the scriptures we find very clear examples of prophet-leaders who can "see into the souls" of wicked individuals. So, I don't think we can skirt this very important question. Clearly there's an ideal set forward by God, through the prophets who were inspired to record certain examples of discernment, and I think we should all try to reach that ideal. That's the point of the scriptures. We should be reading them and trying to live our lives in a way that would allow us to see God's protective power intervene in our lives. We need God's light to shine in all the dark corners, and I believe that we shouldn't make excuses for some particular leader's inability to foresee the future.

But, I also don't think we should pass judgement on these leaders who fail to catch predators. We're all fallen, and weak, and we should extend grace to these incredible men and women who are trying to do what God would have them do.

We also need to extend grace to ourselves.

Bottom line is this. We need to be patient with our leaders, but we shouldn't write-off a leader's lack of discernment as "it's not possible" or,  "that's not how discernment works" or, "discernment isn't like magic."

We clearly have an ideal set forward in scripture, by prophets and other inspired individuals who were righteous enough, and have enough faith, to receive very clear instructions from the Lord to prevent certain future issues from happening. This type of miraculous intervention didn't (and doesn't) erase, or diminish our agency. We can use our agency to expand the agency of others (e.g. prevent abuse from happening).

@Stephen, let's have a conversation sometime!


This discussion is over an hour long but worth watching every minute. Thank you for the information and perspective of both the abused and the abusers. David, you did a great job listening and letting Jennifer tell her story.


Jennifer,  thank you so much for sharing your experience as well as your insights.  As of Father of 3 girls as well as a leader in the LDS church I am grateful to have learned better ways to protect youth.


As a background screening professional, she’s spot on. Those are some things I have wanted people to understand for a long time. 

Thank you for these insightful episodes. I’ve listened to this one 3 times now.


I listen to Sis. Roach every chance I get.


Amazing how the Lord’s ways are more protective than we even realize! Ward boundaries, sustaining, strong families, etc. I really appreciate Jennifer’s contributions to the world—to society as a therapist, and to the Church of Jesus Christ through her research, insights, and testimony. The Lord is using her in important ways!