
Please pray for me. I finally told my parents that I am converting to Catholicism and attending RCIA. As lifelong Protestant, it did not go well.


Leviticus and the Mass are both God asking us to worship Him in a particular way and us doing so. Oh my gosh how did I never understand that before. It's just like when we learn the love languages of our friends and loved ones and we make choices to show them love in the ways that are meaningful to them. I recently had a conversation with someone who has been struggling to come back to Mass since the pandemic, wondering what he's getting out of it that's more than what he gets out of an hour with scripture. I can't wait to share this revelation with him and with others. We're not wrong to love God in other ways - but if a friend tells us, "I feel most loved when you do xyz," don't we try to do xyz for them? So too it is with God.

Praying for everyone on this journey with me, whether it be your first time like it is mine or you're back for another round, and praying for Father Mike and the UMD Newman Center. See you all tomorrow ❤️


Day 28❤ 2025 
Lord thank you for your love & mercy. Finally caught up. ☺️


Please pray that my family also attends this and experience the intimacy of God


Just started the journey 
God bless 🙏


Abba Father please Bless my son with a good life partner as he is waiting on your Will with complete surrender. Please hear the cries of this helpless parents... In you We trust and wait upon. Thank you Fr. Mike for explaining the bible for us and bringing us closer to our Lord..


Continuing my journey, Team Replay 💚🙏🏼😊


Dearest Father Mike, Day 28! Incredible beginning for God's people. Thank you tremendously for today's readings. Every page I turn I am learning something new, despite being Catholic for almost 67 years. Am keeping you and all reading with me in this month of January 2025 in prayer. 🙏✝️❤️


Day 28 Complete 🙏🏾✝️ 😇 this one was hard to pay attention


Day 28❣️Team BIAY Replay❣️🙏🏻💕📖💕


Thanks and praise God.❤


God please forgive me for any weakness I have exhibited when my prayers for my wife's ovarian cancer remission have not been answered.  Grant me the grace to know you hear these prayers, love her and acknowledge our pain.  You are loving, compassionate, patient God that is with her always!  In Jesus's name I pray, amen!


A great reminder of how the father-in-law of Moses and father of Zipporah could have two names- Reuel and Jethro. Just like Jacob & Israel, Simon & Peter, etc. Again, I love how it has been shared with the fine details of the burnt offerings. Fat and blood belong to God. Thus, anything excess (fat) and everything- life itself- (blood) belongs to God. It's true that we shouldn't think that God isn't with us just because we are not getting rid of our problems. We must try to see the details of our situation and how God must be helping us in hidden ways. Like how God helped Moses and the people of Israel not by destroying their cruel masters but by getting them out of the land eventually. Their freedom and our freedom is indeed to glorify God and that's because God is our compass and without it, we will be clueless. Thank you so much for sharing many hidden lessons, Fr. Mike and Team Ascension. God bless you and the fellow listeners!


Day 28 2025!💜 God has given us everything that we need to give home the worship that he deserves and has asked for! Amen!! I am praying and lifting up everyone!!! Today is such a beautiful gift and we are truly blessed!! Thank you God!!🙏🏻💜🙏🏻💜🙏🏻💜🙏🏻💜🙏🏻


Thank you Fr


Praise be to God for his daily words through Fr. Mike. I am grateful and blessed to be a part of this. I am God's chosen daughter 🎉


Praying for all those on this journey in 2023 and for our world and peace.


Lord please remember me and make me  and my sister Oby fruitful. Heal my womb and let me bear children and be a mother. Protect my friend Maureen and her unborn child and may she have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a very healthy child. Also Father please see me through this second semester of my master’s entry into Nursing program and throughout the entire program successfully. Bless me with a great mental health and strength through all this. AMEN! Thank you so much Lord.


Praying. God Bless. Claire.


Thank you Father Mike... for bringing the hidden gems of holy bible .... even when we don't see anything or any  answers to our prayers, Almighty God is working for us & for greater Good. He is faithful and his remarkable words * I am who I am *  echoes