
10:50 first phase


At this point I’m just amazed by how I am even standing. Here I am with Sade sati during Saturn mahadasha πŸ˜‚ thank god I only realised it after 5 years ended πŸ˜…


Great explanation Bhabajeet ji. I experienced major transformation in Sade Sati the hard way. This video is an eye opener for all.


Sir! heard you mention that you visited Udaipurβ€”my hometown! Since I’m in the USA, it makes me happy to know you explored my city. I hope you had a great experience.


Thank you πŸ™πŸ»


Video starts at 5:53


3rd phase 20:00


13:06 second phase


Please have a detailed talk like this on Shani’s Dhaiya over the 4th and 8th house too πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ


Ascendent lord sun debilitated. Aquarius moon sign (purvabadrapada) Saturn in Capricorn. Going through Venus -venus dasa. (Venus in libra) My chronic health problem suddenly got worse from June 2019 (6 months before sade sati started)  and still continues  to be very bad. This is my 3rd sade sati (61yrs old)

 I've been doing everything possible  (medically, religiously and astrologically) to reduce my suffering, but nothing was helpful. My astroger/s is positive about gradual recovery from now on and good recovery after my venus - sun bhukthi starts in November 2025.

Seeking few words of encouragement from you.πŸ™πŸ™


your face expression at the caption video is priceless


The Great master..πŸ‘


Makar rashi here...sade sati normal...learned astrology and spirituality


Wonderful explanation


Moon on aries in 8th house... So Sade sati starts now when Saturn comes into Pisces. Rahu mahadasa ongoing.
I already had one Sade Sati when I was 10 years old.


How do we figure out what the issue be? I am aries moon sag rising, and ALSO going through moon mahadasha-ongoing.


Nice intro




Sir, would you recommend to start a new relationship during Sadi Sati?


Great valuable informative show.