I am at 18 weeks and 5 days. At night when I am laying in bed and completely relaxed, I can feel little flutters in my belly. Sometimes it feels like little finger flicks. I am embarrassed to say that I had to get new bras a few weeks ago, because I was experiencing some shortness of breath...I realized my bras were too tight.
I love these videos ! I just hit 18 weeks. This is my first pregnancy. Thank you for all that you do Bridget. Hugs from the south🩷
First pregnancy. 18 weeks. She’s fine but can’t feel her yet. Can’t wait!!!
I was getting worried that my belly wasn’t as big as other 18 week bellies, and as I’m watching this video I realize that I’ve been ab gripping for decades! It’s so hard to break the habit, but I feel so free now! Also, I recently bought my second set of pregnancy bra 😅. As per baby moving, I also feel the movement when I’m laying in bed at nigh, like a little fish swimming around 💕
About to be 18 weeks and have been feeling my little girl moving for a while now🤍 baby#4 after 3 boys 🙏🏼
This is my first pregnancy and I’m 18 weeks. I’ve felt some movement in my stomach since last week. It feels either like a gentle rolling or little taps. At first I thought I was feeling a my own heartbeat but then I noticed it was irregular and would sometimes stop. It’s been really great for connection. A weird symptom that started this week is my ab muscle fatigue. My abs feel like I’ve been doing intense ab work all week, like I’ve overdone it and got muscle fatigue. It’s achy but not painful. So strange. The only thing I could find online was that it could be caused by the ab muscles stretching to make way for babe. 🤷♀️
18 weeks today and I felt my baby’s movement a few days ago! Feels like a heartbeat 💓
18 weeks and 1 day, I can feel her move a bit and noticed my daughter stretches when I lay down. Subhanallah.
This video is amazing. I'm almost at my 18 weeks (17 weeks and 6 days) and I cannot feel my baby yet but all the things mentioned on these video ks spot on. Thanks a lot! I'm a new subscriber! ❤😊
I felt bubbles poping, a rolling sensations, like a fish swimming and sometimes rolling. My belly also jumped twice! All these sensations started at week 14, and it is my first baby. I know it has been the baby and not gas or spams because these sensations are something I never felt before.
I am all caught up now! Thank you 🤍
The kicks feel like little flutters. They’re so precious
I'm 18 weeks 3 days and I am feeling soft little kicks. Like little thuds. Can't see or feel them from the outside yet
Ultrasound tech: Your baby likes to kick Me: oh 🥲
Felt mouvements last week. So excited ! It's been a month of growth, and yes, my uterus is quite close to my umbilic now !
I'm 18 weeks and 2 days now and I experience like there are tadpoles swimming inside my womb, popping bubbles, it feels like also there's a a wave hahaha
Watching from the Philippines. 18 weeks pregnant ❤
18 weeks and 4 days!! ❤ I can feel my baby move, but no kicks yet!
It feels like an alien trying to burst out of me🙂 lol as soon as my mind is calm and I’m able to do normal task, he moves and then there’s that gentle reminder there is something growing inside of me. 😂