
A very dear Thai Buddhist friend came to church with me and was converted the first time she heard the gospel. She was sitting next to me sobbing. The next week she took communion, turned to me with a radiant smile and said ‘first time!’  A fantastic experience for me. She has now been baptised and has been to two theology courses. She has lost some of her Buddhist friends but is very strong in her Christianity. Praise the Lord!


I myself was a Buddhist for ten years. I married a Khmer woman and also lived in Thailand and Cambodia, several times. I had a very difficult period in my life and it was God who saved me. I have never felt anything like it. Within a few days, I had thrown all my crystals, Buddha idols, incense, dream catchers etc, away. Within a week I was baptized and have been a Christian again, ever since(I was Christened as a child). When you know, you know. Maranatha! God Bless you all.


I was Buddhist and also am Korean now a believer in Christ so thankful for this!!! It’s much needed


I came from a Hindu background but have been a Christian for 30 years. But still am touched by the testimonies. I am blessed by her testimony. I have shared with


Wow, I want to see more ex Buddhist or ex Hindu to Christ testimonies such as this, Sean! The religions of Buddhism/Hinduism are so deeply ingrained in Eastern culture that it's very difficult for the people there to see who Jesus Christ really is. Thanks for interviewing Susan! It's amazing how different it is when you encounter the real God for yourself instead of worshipping yourself or idols.


Iam a Korean of the second generation but was born in the former Soviet Union. I came to faith through a Koren missionary. Soon after I became a  Christian, my heart was full of peace and joy. With peace and joy, I could not stay still , I shared my testimony with my friend’s brother.  
And Jesus touched him and healed him of an incurable disease .Then he gave his heart to Jesus!


Wow when she said mid 30s… i grew up in a Christian house, going to 
Catholic Church, got confirmed and all. But thank God for my grandma always telling me to read the word and it’s a personal relationship… however i still got off track for a good while, but decided i wanted to get baptized last year as an adult since as a baby it wasn’t my choice. Thank you for all these testimonies you bring 🙏🏽


This made me cry 🥹 even tho I was born in America, so much of her story was relatable to me. I was also the first Christian in my family and (praise Him) we are all now in Christ.  Reminded me of my precious father in heaven. He was in his 60s when he came to faith bc of the testimony and legacy of fanny Crosby. It was an amazing thing to watch his life transformed.


Thank you for this encouraging interview! My daughter recently married into a Hindu family and wants to raise their children in Hinduism.  God will work through it all to call her back to her first love. This interview reveals God's sovereign power through peace to save and adds to my hope. Thank you!


I'm a Catholic Christian here. Thank you for your witness. I hope for all of us to re-unite as One Holy Apostolic Church some day soon.


"God stitched me up one verse at a time."

Beautiful stuff. I've been wanting to write out the Bible for myself for ages. It's about time. Inspired!


This was one of the best interviews Shawn has even done. She is a wonderful person.


I Praise The Living God that through the Power of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit He rescued me from the absolute delusion of Buddhism as well!


Such an inspiring testimony.   I recently (last few years) discovered the very subtle dark forces hidden within Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism....etc.  

Over the years, I met a variety of monks, through events at Yoga studios.  They were all so peaceful.  I deeply admired them for their dedication.   They were humble, kind, and compassionate  humans. But then i started to see the emptiness within their belief system.  Most notably, I noticed that Buddists do not address evil.  Not directly.  They chant and pray, but they do not take action to stop evil.  That was an eye opener.  And Buddhism does not recognize marriage...fidelity...family values...as a holy institution.  Marriage  is secular in Buddhism. Its quite empty when you dive deep into it. A sad empty....because the participants/practitioners generally have good intentions.

Prayers for the truth to be revealed  to all who are ready, willing, and able to receive.


Ok, halfway through and can’t stop crying. Praise to the Most High!


20:50 when I was in surgery, I was with God and didn’t see anything, but he said, “surrender all, perfect peace.”
while He said that, I was in His perfect peace. 
God’s peace definitely goes beyond understanding!!!!!!


Woah what a testimony across generations 🎉🎉praise Jesus ❤


The church really needs to expand its reach into East Asia like Japan. There a lot of souls there that need to be saved and i feel like church has turned a blind eye to that region of the world. Great video and testimony!


What an incredible transformational testimony! How she described her "second confession" articulates the experience I had a few years ago. During the first semester of my graduate program at Liberty University, I was confronted with developing my worldview. Learning how a Theistic Worldview differed from a Biblical Worldview and what it really meant to hold such a Worldview really took me on a truth discovery about the cannon and Apologetics in general. I was deeply convicted and felt like a fraud writing about Theological topics while not fully accepting all of scripture as inspired by God. It didn’t help that my agnostic husband was also planting seeds of doubt, as far as scripture goes. In my mind I only had two options, completely abandon my faith or 100% embrace God’s Word as truth and fully trust Christ in ALL areas of my life (not just one compartment I open up when I see fit). So I researched like crazy and had already begun praying for God to help me in my unbelief and cultivate the desire for His Word. The day I contemplated turning from my faith, I felt empty and in despair, I cried out to Jesus saying “I can’t leave you, where would I go?” and it was as if His arms wrapped around me and His spirit consumed me. My cries of fear turned to cries of uttermost joy and peace. I shared the experience with my husband, telling him I could no longer be a “lukewarm” Christian and that I wouldn’t know how to go on living if I gave up on my faith. While he doesn’t share the same beliefs, he hugged me and told me he would never want that for me and that he fully supports my decision. Ever since that day, I’ve read God’s Word daily and He has given me the desire to pursue Him above all things and to change my ways to conform to His way!
I will say that this new  (or second confession, how Dr. Lim puts it) and drastic transformation I had through my mindset and the desire for Christ, made me doubt my prior salvation, even though the most Godly people in my life assured me otherwise. I still struggle with the whole concept of once saved always saved.


I just intended to watch for a few minutes, but I ended up watching the whole interview. Praise the Lord Jesus for His saving grace!