
Just got recommended this video. I also did my PhD from the Netherlands. I can't stress enough on the importance of supervisor. It is really important to chat with a few students of the supervisor to know the working style before starting.


I’m just sooo glad that I met the right people who told me I don’t need it. It’s either for people who finds pleasure in it or cannot live without it.


Importance of your supervisor... yes I agree. Super important. Even for my research based Masters. I wish I saw this video before grad school. Great advice!


Been watching your videos and taking notes. I start my PhD program in two months. Thanks for the tips!


I'm enrolling to a master and planning to do a PhD, this is very helpful, thank you so much!


Thank you, Charlotte.  Much of what you describe has been true throughout my math and science track.  At least I know now it's not just me!  Best of luck.


Everything you've shared in this video is spot on! I really hope people that are thinking of doing a PhD will come across this gem of a video✨ Thanks for sharing!


Awesome Charlotte, you are doing great job. There is scarcity of information regarding computational neuroscience. Lots of love and blessings from 🇮🇳India


How are you doing so far? The youtube algorithm brought me here. Totally true! Social support systems and recognising which aspects of your project/aims ain't getting much is crucial to a successful PhD - coming from someone who just recently submitted their thesis for examination!


I realized that academia was a racket 30 years ago during grad school when I noticed that a 30-page paper suitable for "Physical Review" would get submitted as ten 3-page papers to "Physics Letters".


These were really good key aspects about  studying a PhD. The broken nature of the paper publishing system didn't surprise me too much but it did disappoint me as I expected meritocracy to reign supreme. Yes I agree that your supervisor can or break your PhD


Good suggestions for PhD aspirants.


many phD students say same things.. that s why I did not choose to pursue career in academia :) I can continue to study after being settled


Your English is so clear so why don’t you make videos about learning English 🌹


Great video, It made me think alot, im planning to start my masters next year, what kind of things do you look for when getting ready??


Having it rough right now in my PhD. Which is the link/title video you mentioned for peeps in this situation?


It serms like  persuing phd is joining a corapted culture and  superviser guded path like a dictatoreal rule we must to take and the enviroment surounded by whom and how  our journal is popular.
I heard that from many students and work vollege that university is a compsny of a bunch of oligarchy control and monitor the subject field. I thought University is a place for learning and resarch for pure acadamic purposes and knowedge promotion but the reality is totally difrent. This is from Harvard university to rest of universities in western world. Some field subject even has a gung ring leaders in it. Is so astonishing and worring about university culture in this dna age.
I belive Universites should investgateed and exposed the ugly culture of acdamia in acadamic corporate world.




Can I ask what are work opportunities for Computational neuroscientist in the industry and where are you going to apply that you would need Java?