
Glaive Darkin!!! 😈🔪😺
Watch until the end and leave a like or I will bite you!! :3
And yeah they should be a support!


If I don't get the darkin shield with PTSD I don't want it


Joraal would be an amazing support champion.


the only one missing is a supp Darkin


please Give us the Shield Darkin, Joraal. He is PERFECT please riot please, everyone want him in game




please be darkin support
so that that we have darkin in all roles


Xolaaaaaaaaani come to us




I remember reading that text in Mageseeker. So I guess it was a prophecy of the next 2 darkin champs we were gonna get.


I really want the darkin support though.


DARKIN PROPAGANDA IS SPREADING. In all seriousness I love all the Darkins they have so far. My top 3 to be added would be either Xolaani, Best boy Joraal (seriously one of the best Darkin lores despite it being short), and last Styraatu but it might be too late cause Styraatu is currently in Zaun and Arcane has ended so not sure if Riot wants to go back too soon. If Riot still plans on making every season a thematic around an area of Runeterra we could see Best Boy Joraal since he's in Demacia (I'M COPING RN)


man can we just get JORAAL Please


I really was hoping for either Xolaani or Joraal as the missing support Darkin


Hopefully they got the memo


The new darkin champ would be a support. Every darkin champ has been put into their own roles with Aatrox top, Kayn jg, Naafiri mid, and Varus adc. It's only fair to think that the new darkin champ will be a support.



I hope it's a Darkin support. We have top, jungle/mid, and adc. We need a darkin that can be played as a support


Kayn Umbral Trespass
Aatrox Umbral Dash
Item Umbral Glaive
If Darkin will be Glaive, it will be probably item from game (like Viego Botrk) and so he'll have antywards ability, what is very good for support.
I have hope it will be Valeeva, brother and sister together on botlane will be great thing, and even better having all 5 Darkins in your team.


wait a new darking is coming and still now female darkin who looks sexy and wears as much as kayn and varus? ... would be so badass a sexy curvy female darkin with two sickles or a thoryn whip. but hey i don't play this game currently anyway...


I wish for xolaani