
The important thing for me is knowing I am with my partner because I “WANT” to be with them, not because “NEED” to be with them.


Absolutely yes to every question. Almost 20 years married and it just keeps getting better.


There's a weird sort of balance between "should I be okay dating this person" from an objective and subjective standpoint. Like, sure, I should want me more. Someone who makes more, is prettier, is smarter, but...would I be happy with them? Sure the relationship might be a bit lopsided, but if I'm happy and the relationship works for us, should I really be poisoning the well over some hypothetical "better partner?"


Thank you man, I've been scrambling over the last 2 months trying to get my wife to reconcile with me, those questions slammed it home for me, I was just scared of being alone. Thank you.


It’s surprising how under the radar Nixorus books are. If you’re curious, they’re definitely worth a look.


I must have lucked out because asking myself these questions about my husband makes me realise how much I admire about him.
Especially the last one, if our girls are lucky enough to find a man like him I'll thank my lucky stars. ✨❤️


Yes to all.... 45 years this year


The answer is probably always „no“. No, I don‘t like the negative side of my partner. So, what‘s the concequence? Breaking up with him or her? There wouldn‘t be any relationships left if we all were so strict on our partner.


Eh, I value different things in a partner than myself. I’m single at the moment though I probably WOULD be offended if someone said I was like one of my exes, but that’s nothing to do with them or the quality of the relationship. I’m also confident those partners wouldn’t like being described as similar to me, we had/have different roles.


my involuntarily single ass watching this as if I could use this knowledge within the next year


4 of the questions i asked myself, before i broke up.


My Wife is my best friend. I definitely outlicked my coverage.


So ye i was right. It is just my loneliness thats been acting up. I’m not in a relationship not of the age tbh. I’m only 14 but i’m so lonely. Sometimes i feel as if i’m just a tool to my parents. But anyway i thought i had a “crush” but after a couple days i actually met her i just knew it was my loneliness acting up. I wasnt fulfilled nor in love, but i was in love with the idea of having someone there to hold me while i cry. I just want someone who truely cares about me for who i am. Someone that will care for me like i care for everyone else. Someone who wants to be with me not just because i’ve helped them. But this is all just a figment of my imagination. I know i’m too young but the wait is breaking me. Little by little each day.


He takes almost everything.  Good. Congratulations I don't care.


Have you ever come up with any of the wisdom pearls? Or do you just look up what other people have said and repeat that? Because the latter is what i think.


Another good question: 

How much are willing to sacrifice for your partner.


Well thanks for ruining my relationship 😂 of 9 years in 10 seconds


If someone told me I was a lot like my partner… Well most likely.  23 years together.  We’re both silly, on top of liking some of the same things.  I’m a basket case and he’s an asshole.  Both ex military.  I can handle him and all his issues.  He’s a stupid head.  💙

We don’t have kids.  For an imaginary child, I wouldn’t mind her finding someone like him.  He takes care of me more than anyone knows.  When he needs help, she should be there for him.  Don’t run away and leave.  Endure.  It works out.


How did it make you feel? Great agreed butch or not


Dude I find u to be so wrong. No expectations. Just to be the first thing to see in the morning for the last. Xxx years that make u smile? Right th u put u condition. You me I am u… lol don’t work this way