This is one of the best jazz channels on YouTube. As a musician and music lover, I find its content to be a true treasure. Congratulations!


Very appealing! Listening, enjoying, praising Karolina Strassmayer for such a wonderful composition meeting the rhythm section’s total appreciation. 

Thank you all.


WDR Big Band is an absolute treasure and covers such a wide variety of jazz music. I love the large ensembles and these paired down quartet's that move me. 
Thank you so so much 🙏 for documenting these excellent performances of all your fine musicians and compositions. Truly a pleasure to listen and watch.


I love this beautiful song.  Thank you Karolina and rhythm section.  I always tune in when I notice she is playing.  Such talent!


Bravo Ms. Strassmayer and friends! Very nice!


Sweet ! Karolina! Thank you guys ! You did it again! Take care!


Love her playing!


Nice sound in that alto, well done Karolina, and the boys did good too, as usual:)


Thank you ❤


Karolina the best!!!! Thank you


Karolina ❤❤ 6:38  Hans Delker ❤❤ and John 🌹🌹


Vielen Dank und Bravo für diese sehr schöne Komposition. Ihre Beherrschung und Leidenschaft für Ihr Instrument ist ein wahrer Genuss für unsere Ohren und Augen.


Sublime i composition merci


I enjoy every WDR jazz adventure. Pure gold  !


Beautiful. Great sound as well




Carolina sempre brava e bella unica della band unica in tutto❤❤


Wunderschön! 😍🙋‍♀🎷


What a beautiful sound!


It doesn't get any better than that, wonderful.