待っておった民 ↓
最初の速水さんの声で 「え?え、え!???マジで!?嘘!?」 ってなったのは私だけではないはず
男だけどこれやってる 理由は主人公が可愛いから あとはやっぱり女性向けの恋愛ものの方が内容しっかりしてるね。男性向けのほとんどはお色気シーンに頼りすぎて本来のラブシーンがお粗末になってること多いから
広告でBGMめっちゃいい曲と思ってつい来てしまった… DAIでびっくりした…
イヴくんがどタイプなんだけど。 絵がほんとに、好きすぎる🥰
これはやばいな… 絵が綺麗だし、声優さんマジで豪華すぎる
Okay I think I am gonna wait until 5 years for the english version to be released Edit : OMG IT'S GOING TO BE RELEASED THIS SUMMER GUESS WE DON'T NEED TO WAIT UNTIL 5 YEARS 🤣
The story is inspired by the famous fairy tale, “Beauty and the Beast”. Players will have to select one of the eight dangerous “beast” princes to crown the next king. But time is short. You have to find the inner beauty of the prince before the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. After he is crowned, you are forbidden to have any contact with the king, even though you are gradually falling for him. Caught in the vortex of curse and dark secrets, will you be able to find the answer for “True Love”?
他の動画見てたらこちらのゲームのCMが流れてきて、主題歌が素敵過ぎていつもならスキップするCMを最後まで見て…というか、聞いてしまいました😍 そのあと即行でググったらこちらにたどり着いた次第です。
Omg just look how pretty MC is in the video and how gorgeous those men are 😭💓💓 plus the art in this game is so pretty and breathtakingly beautiful! 🥺💖 I'll wait for as long as I can for this game to be released in Eng ver. because it's too perfect. QwQ
絵すき!! めっちゃどタイプのキャラを大好きな内田雄馬さんが声優って最高😭