
Thanks for watching 😉😉😉 
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Fitting all the parts in that tiny space is real talent.


Cool my friend... Cool.


I have never seen in my life a person making handmade things with such craftsmanship and complexity


This is one of most incredible things I’ve seen in a long time. The ability to think it all out and get it All to work is probably most impressive thing.  Such a nice and clean package.


Words run out as a description. I wish I had the same ability to reduce things in size and squeeze them into small spaces. You are a creative powerhouse. Keep it up and thrill us with more joyful gadgets. Love from India 🇮🇳


I think that the lighter you built is better than most store-bought lighters.  I have never seen an ultrasonic lighter though.  I have several piezo-electric mist makers that I don't know what to do with, and now I think I do.  I'll probably use a standard lighter coil generator though for the spark.  Absolutely amazing


اكثر شئ يعجبنى فى مشاريعك هو الدقة والاتقان فى ادق التفاصيل ... لك كل الشكر على اعمالك المذهلة  وبالوفيق فى القادم❤❤❤


I wish you had a store, I would buy everything. Your work is great, engineer ❤


I was with you all the way until the end when you filled it with resin...now you can't service it later (like swapping out the batteries) and have guaranteed that it's going to a landfill when it fails. Cool idea overall!👍


شما نابقه اید هموطنم🌹💝👍


عالی تورو خدا در هر هفته ۲ ویدیو بزار دیر دیر ویدیو نزار


HAHA I thought the battery as a chassis was just clickbait, but i see dude actually took the time to totally hollow it out!  Making those slot holes without wrecking the thin metal housing is NOT EASY, respect bro!


At first I thought that it is going to be another crappy life hack video, but you made an actually useful gadget that I would personally like to have. It is complex, it took a lot of effort to make and first of all looks very nice. This is the kind of stuff that I see on clickbait thumbnails, but you actually made it. Congratulations.


بالاخره انتظارها به پایان رسید


Tbh I was kind of expecting a minimum effort click bait build, but the exact opposite was the case. Fitting it all in this formfactor, and making it a usable product is real talent. My deepest respect to you sir!


Next level BoSS


Dude the mini drill was awesome, but this frikin lighter is off the hook! The skill and pacience needed to cram all the components into a battery casing is of the charts!!

Got another subscriber and will share your videos... ;)


Another masterpiece. Great job 👍


Good work my Friend🙂🤝🤝🤝