This is like heaven for introverts. It's perfect
You can almost pause anywhere and it will still be a perfect wallpaper!
Masha'Allah, I really need a place like this and this calm. I'm tired of the noise of the family and the city. I hope to visit this place after completing my studies. I'm from Iraq ❤️🥹😔.
Finally! I found a video with the natural sounds of nature without added piano music or classical music. Just the natural sound of wind, birds is so peaceful!!
夢みたいな場所。素敵すぎる。 一度でいいから行ってみたい。
I think this is a piece of heaven that fell on earth.
انه ابداع الخالق الهدوء والطبيعة الحقيقيه . بعيدا عن كل ماهو صناعي مزيف نرجوا الله ان يجعل لي ملكا عظيما في الجنه لأسعى جاهداً ان يكون من معي في رخاء ورغد ورضى تام .
I imagine the pinnacle of existence is living in a place like this
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمان صنع الخالق الذي أتقن كل شيء
سبحان الله العظيم ربي هذه الجنة الارض كيف هي جنة الفردوس
Thank you for not playing music and let us hear the natural sounds absolutely stunning
God is such an architect...what a beauty this country is.. Am so envious, how I wish I could be a cow, goat just for one month in the Switzerland... especially in the villages... One can't get sick leaving there.. seems there's no polution....I love this country...
سبحان بديع السموات والأرض الله يهنيكم ويسعدكم بهذه المناظرة الطبيعية الجميلة والخلابة أو تمنيت لو كنت واحدة من سكان هذه المنطقة الله على جمال تحية من وسلام من اليمن لشعب سويسرا الجميل
May everyone who reads this find peace, relaxation, and good health. May your days be filled with calm moments, your nights with restful sleep, and your heart with unwavering joy. Take care and stay blessed!
ما شاء الله ❤يا الله 💚 اسالك بحق وفضل إسمك الجامع ❤أن تجمعني مع الصالحات و الصالحين في الذنيا والآخرة برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين ❤اللهم أمين يارب العالمين 💚
Not just a few days trip but living there will be a perfect heaven ❤may be one day ❤
Thank you for not playing music and let us hear the natural sounds absolutely stunning😘😘
I think this is a piece of heaven that fell on earth ❤❤❤❤❤
NO LOUD MUSIC and NO NONSENSE. NO shootings and NO people yelling at each other.