
I really like how inviting you are of others to learn and overall just improve their life. It is a bit rare to see someone so successful in so many aspects of life all while being humble and showing a genuine desire to share it with others.

I don't mean to gas you up too much, it's just really inspiring from what I've seen and has also changed my perspective of learning from being less of a grind and more of an enjoyable endeavor. It is also humbling which I feel like has helped me alot. I think I've been a bit pretentious at times and not only is it shameful but really holds you back from really being open minded to learning new things the best way possible. On top of that, I'm always reminded to keep it up in the gym no matter how busy I am haha


So here are some of the techniques that I analyzed from this:
1.Curiosity Learning: Basically means that you go to the stuff that interests you ans skip the rest for the moment 
2.Feynman Technique: Here he doesnโ€˜t just explain it in simpler terms. He first tryโ€˜s to make sense of the stuff with the help of relating to stuff that he is already familiar with and then tries to make sense of it through hypothesising different applications of the concepts(what I mean explicitly I will talk in the next step)
3.Variable Modification: Like above mentioned he hypothesises different applications of the concept like what happens when there is 01,10,11 etc. This technique is especially Practice due to having to think on a higher level and logically arguing if this approach made sense.
4.Layered Learning: He starts with trying to understand the concepts first and then goes to the details -> Why is this concept Important and what can I do with this.
5.Active Recall: He only puts details that are prone to be hard to remember without repetitions on the flashcards, not the explanation of the bigger concepts or the like.
6.Variable addition: Basically means what happens when I add this to this. The technique is probably extremly useful for stem related things because you need to logically reason if this addition makes sense or not 
7.Pre-study: Getting a sense of the concepts superficially and fixating first on big Headlines and graphics and stuff 

Hope this can help someone.

Super video btw and it was nice to see how a top student approaches learning. Keep up the good work๐Ÿ™


Thank you for the effort and the insights Samuel! I think so many student will be very grateful...


Awesome video, I hope it will help me to study better but what is more awesome is the community on this channel. Reading the comments makes me feel at home in any of your videos. Cheers from Italy!


Great video! Nice to see a video like this that isn't focused on medicine since this content aligns more with my interests.


You just inspired me to study the theory of computation and i am glad with the experience.


Thank you for the video Samuel! Always been struggling with really identifying how to study stem subjects with Anki so super useful content ๐Ÿ‘


Thank you so much for this video ! I was really looking of someone making an adaptation of Anki to STEM as I'm going to study mechanical engineering in mcgill. I'd really like to do my Ph.D at MIT so getting to know your experience at MIT with your youtube channel is gold ! Thank you again


As a international cs student in netherlands, this is just what I needed to hear, I love anki, since I found about it literally is my second brain


thank you so much for this lesson Samuel!


great video im a first semester and will definetely use this method in the future


This is the best Study related videos among the 100's of study method videos i have seen , You gave an indepth practical walkthrough  i just loved it, you explained really well the Understanding part along with the memorizing part. I am filled with gratitude for your channel has helped me update my study methods & philosophy as well. 
Please make similar videos or a course on skillshare going through similar CS subjects , a lot of people will be helped by it. itll be a unique offering , other courses are just theory giving 2-5 min video explaining study technique. You can give these hour length videos of practical walkthroughs genuinely people will be benefitted. Do give it a try when youre free


looking forward for this ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Wieder ein Video das vielen helfen kann:goodvibes:


Love your vids. Definitely will help me at Berkeley


Love this video thank you


This is really interesting and more helpful than any explanation of study methods I've seen. Please consider doing more longform study videos, even without commentary, with concepts from your actual classes?


Hi Sam, I really enjoy your videos. It would be nice to see a review of what classes you have taken and (text)books you have used/recommend for them. Perhaps you could present it in a tier list format. I would also like to see what you carry with you everyday in your bag. Good video as usual!


Thanks From South India ๐Ÿ™


Awesome! Thanks!