
All of of ya landings are so good man!!!


Very cool....like the Co-pilot having his arm out the window while step taxing, Please post move !!!


Hey Swayne! I was looking at Aviation schools across the country and was wondering what your input was on some of the ones I am looking at. Since you go to UND and are pretty close to one another, I was wondering what your thoughts are on the University of Dubuque's aviation program. I am looking to go out there in May and was wondering what your input is if you have ever visited their department or looked into attended class and flight lessons there. I'm from PA, and I'm asking because I dont want to waste money on a flight out there for something that isnt too good. Thanks for your time Swayne!


I want one of these. This would be great to mfg with twin diesel engines! How about it Diamond?

