
coney so effortlessly weaves between "we're operating on the rules of smash/ the universe the stage is from" and "thats how it works in real life". Truly an expert of his craft


Whoever said Falcon would save him and still win the race is a real one


Coney the type to die to these stages in a really comedic cartoon way. He gives off real “slipping on a banana peel” vibes


I love when people unaware of the plot of Kid Icarus: Uprising learn that Viridi canonically dropped a nuke on human civilians


13:20 The Captain Falcon Trolley Problem will surely break new ethical ground for decades to come.




37:59 You would be a celebrity here. The Inklings are fascinated by the culture of the extinct humans, they would be absolutely out of their minds to meet a real live one. Assuming that they know where Judd came from, that he's been in stasis till their time, then it wouldn't even be that mind-blowing conceptually that a human could suddenly show up. You would be offered free room and board and a hefty salary for a speaking tour. Now, you wouldn't speak Inklish of course, so that would make things a bit tricky, but with some hand gestures and Pictionary I think things could be arranged. 

If you die it's from being asked to partake in too many selfies.

38:34 I'm pretty sure RTGame did. 

39:20 "We would be good friends, we would be b—very good friends." 
I heard you start that pun, Coney. BEARY good friends, eh? 
(He might have also been about to say 'best.')


Unironically, I like when Coney adds more tiers
It makes the list more nuanced


13:30 The man would sacrifice the literal seat of his pants to save someone, absolute yes


Coney saying Cranky would let him chill for a week as if he was an old college friend and not an ape lmao


31:58 i would assume as soon as it stops being night 9-Volt gets up to go to school and then he can get you something to eat, like, you're scaled down (if you're going with that answer) but you're still just in some family's home, very liveable situation because it's supposed to be!


I think he could survive Gerudo bridge. If it works like in OOT, the tent belongs to the carpenters who might help him out. Worse case scenario, Coney gets captured by the Gerudo and held in jail until the week is over.


Coney's reaction to Reset Bomb Forest KILLED me.


10:30 wait he's literally Dedede what the heck


28:34 she's the godess of nature so she despises humans because they destroy nature, hence the reset bombs and her feud with Palutena and by extension Pit who are the de facto guardians of Humanity


Just spent an unhealthy amount of time researching whether or not Paper Mario would be survivable. Thing stickers are real world objects, so if you could find one that you could eat, you could theoretically survive since they respawn indefinitely.

Good news, there are actually a few edible Things - a cake, a teapot loaded with a tea, a FULL THANKSGIVING TURKEY, and a few others. Bad news, none of them are anywhere close to the level the stage is on (1-4). 

Your best bet would be the Soda from 2-1 (which is in a desert and still pretty far), the Squirt Gun from Goomba Fortress (which would probably get you killed by one of the guards), or the Faucet from 1-2, which would be a really good option if it produced water on its own, but you need to be in  2-4 to hook it up, which is even further into the desert, and without any food Things you’d probably starve anyway. So survival is still a bust.


Not how I thought the video would start.


29:42 “You wanna know what’s in the fridge? THERE IS NO FRIDGE!!!”


There is a way to possibly survive Dracula's Castle for a little bit, and that's to pledge your allegience to Dracula and hope he gives you cool powers or whatever. Of course, in the best case scenario you'd probably have to face a whip or sword or Nitesco laser or whatever head-on, and your soul would instantly be damned to hell, but isn't that already the YT sponsorship experience? Or you could just get kidnapped and held in a cell somewhere as you wait for the hero to rescue you


You can tell coney hates anime by the way he says isekai